By Sue
There are great advantages of running a contest on your website. When a website runs a contest, it is guaranteed five times the exposure. The following list will reveal how this can be accomplished and show you the advantages of running a contest on your website. Pay attention to #6. An ambitious site-owner should take advantage or this amazing opportunity.
A contest announcement should include all of the important facts, including contest entry deadlines, rules, website, and prizes! Avoid posting an excess amount of information. The enthusiasm generated by your contest should not be drowned out with too many boring facts.
Also consider the level of difficulty in entering the contest. If you have created an exceedingly difficult challenge, you may have few people willing to compete for the prize. Keep reading for more advantages of running a contest on your website!
Ideally, you are able to acquire volunteer judges. Entice them by letting them know their names will appear in contest promotions.
Do not consider making yourself a judge. Contestants need to be confident that each judge is objective. Obviously, a site-owner cannot do a good job of formulating a truly objective opinion.
If the list of contestants proves to be too long, a list of the semi-finalists, or finalists, ought to be made public. If possible, you should try to post a picture of each semi-finalist, or finalist.
Usually, all of these groups have submitted an entry of decided quality. Sometimes judges will struggle to pick the best of these groups. Their job can be made easier by inviting the Internet to express its opinion as well.
Naturally, this announcement should be shared with all of the contestants, and of course, a typical winner will spread word of their accomplishment to their social media connections.
A website can be guaranteed a steady supply of contestants if she takes the time to schedule a post-contest celebration. A celebration like this can serve as a way to thank all of those who have participated in the endeavor. In addition, holding a celebration helps ensure more promo!
Ideally, a finalist, or even a semi-finalist may feel compelled to share word of their success. Acts like this should be encouraged, because they serve as yet another way bring traffic to a website.