7 Amazingly Cheap Ways to Recharge after a Long Day at Work ...

Valencia Jul 10, 2014

Are you looking for ways to recharge after a long day? Well, you’ve come to the right place. If your days are long and hectic, walking into your house can reduce your stress level and help recharge your mind and body. Although some people believe you have to spend money to de-stress after work, there are ways to unwind without spending a dime. Here are seven amazingly cheap ways to recharge after a long day at work.

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1. Take a Hot Bath

Taking a bath is one of the best ways to recharge after a long day at work. For this to work, you need the house to be quiet and free of distractions so send your spouse away for the evening or pawn your children on a family member. Fill the tub with warm water, put on some relaxing music, and soak away the stresses of the day.

2. Watch a Feel-good Movie

What's your favorite movie? If you haven't watched this movie in a few months or years, pull out your DVDs or stream the flick from Netflix. Grab a glass of wine, some popcorn, and sit back and enjoy a night at home on the cheap.

3. Exercise

Exercise might be the last thing you want to do after a busy, long day. However, going for a walk, taking a workout class or engaging in other types of physical activity can help you de-stress. Exercise increases your brain’s production of endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that improve your mood and lower stress. You don't have to exercise for hours to feel these benefits. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes of fitness after work.

4. Take Photographs

Grab your camera and go to the local park to take pictures of the local scenery. This is perfect if you have a passion for photography, or if you simply want to explore your creative side. And if photography isn't your thing, consider other hobbies, such as scrapbooking, journaling or sewing.

5. Quality Time with Your Partner

Sometimes, spending time with the person you love is enough to recharge after a long day. Unlike a lot of activities, you don't have to spend a dime. Put on a movie, snuggle and enjoy each other's company. Or go for a quiet, relaxing walk at the park or beach and enjoy a little private conversation.

6. Hang out in Your Backyard

Transform your backyard into a relaxing oasis. Even if you don't have a lot of space, putting a few patio chairs in your backyard, an umbrella, a hammock, and beautiful potted plants creates an environment where you’ll want to spend time. After work, head to your deck or backyard with a cold drink, relaxing music, or a book.

7. Take a Nap

The fact that you need a nap after work does not imply laziness. If your job is extremely demanding and takes a lot of your energy throughout the day, lying down for a power nap can give you the energy needed to get through the remainder of your day. A nap not only boosts your energy, it can lower your stress level and make you feel happier.

You might not be able to change the stressful nature of your job, but there are ways to ensure that the rest of your day goes well and stress-free. What are other cheap ways to de-stress after work?

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hang out in my bed.

I nap everyday after work. then I end up continuing to do work from home. it's a must with my job.

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