When you're at college, you probably need to make some extra cash. You can go get a regular part-time job at evenings and weekends, which will fit in with your study commitments. But what if you want more flexibility, or to be your own boss? Here are some ways to make money without getting a job …
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1. Sign up on a Freelancer Site
If you have skills such as writing or coding, signing up on a freelancer site such as Elance or oDesk could be worthwhile. Set up a profile, and you can apply for jobs. Payment is handled by the sites. Although you're often competing against people who can work for less, freelancer sites could bring you some useful extra cash and you can fit projects in between your college work.
2. Tutor Other Students
After your first year, you could tutor other students who are studying the same courses that you've already done (although don't be tempted to write essays for them or an essay mill - that's cheating). You could also tutor high school students who need a helping hand to progress in subjects you're good at.
3. Be Crafty
Do you have a craft skill that you could use to make some extra cash? If you can paint, sew or make jewellery, put together some stock and look for somewhere you could set up a stall. The advantage of utilising craft and artistic skills is that you can work on making your pieces at your leisure, so it fits in well around study commitments. It's also a pleasant antidote to using your brain for study.
4. Teach Your Practical Skills
Do you have a practical skill that you could pass on to others? Set up workshops to show people the basics. For example, you could teach people how to do simple DIY tasks, learn to sew, or do self-defence. Or you could run cooking workshops for students who are away for the first time and have no idea how to cook simple, nutritious meals!
5. Dog Walking & Pet Care
Do you like animals and being outdoors? Advertise your services as a dog walker. You will make cash as well as getting some exercise (useful if you have to spend a lot of time in the library!). Also consider offering pet-sitting services in the home if you're sticking around during vacations, or on your home turf if you're going back there.
6. Make Money on One-off Events
Some useful extra cash can also be earned from one-off events. Medical studies can be quite lucrative, although you should be certain that you are informed of all the risks. There may also be work for hosts and staff at local events, such as business events and weddings. This is great if you just want occasional employment.
7. TV Extras
If you're studying somewhere that has TV studios nearby, check out agencies for work as an extra. You'll probably need to be available for a full day, so it may not fit in with your studies. But if you can find work that does fit in with your study commitments, it can be a fun and useful way of earning some extra cash.
Even if you don't need to work while studying, it's still handy to have some extra cash - and if you're earning it, you won't be spending it! Have you had any unusual jobs?
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