There are so many benefits of being an entrepreneur! Clocking in and having someone tell you what to do is considered the American Dream. For some of us that just won’t cut it! I have always liked being my own boss because who can fire you if you are late, take your break longer than expected, etc? Here are all the best benefits of being an entrepreneur.
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The best of the many benefits of being an entrepreneur is that you're in charge of yourself. There are some of us who have had well over 5-10 jobs. To others this may look like you are unstable, immature and cannot keep a job. I will say that is complete and utter foolery. This was one of my biggest signs that I needed to become my own boss. Between the high school workplace atmosphere, low pay, degrading and rude assholes of managers, I decided it was time for me to step out on my own. I did not like when someone dictated to me when and where to take my lunch break or being scared to death of being fired because I was five minutes late. When being an Entrepreneur, YOU have the say and the power.
When I decided that I liked beauty, fashion and writing, I decided to obtain my Nail Technician License and Makeup Certification. I am still continuing my education because, as an entrepreneur you never stop learning. You always have to stay ahead of the curve. If you love candles, sell candles! Fan of the puppies start your own dog-walking business or join a freelance company. When doing what you love, it can never feel like work (cliche, I know) but it is very true. Sidebar: I have a friend who loves to organize and clean and she started her own service. She’s doing great!
There is money to be made when you have your own business and it can be very lucrative. Of course you have to spend money to make a profit, but the most rewarding part is being able to call the SHOTS!