Don't Be Fooled by These Common Online Scams ...


The internet has made it easy for us to take care of our finances and shop for anything we want. However, it's also made it easy for scammers to attempt to steal other people's money. Some of the tactics they use are very clever, but if you know what to watch out for you can do your best to avoid becoming a victim. Here are some common online scams you should be aware of …

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1. Jobs … That Don't Exist

With the economy as bad as it is, many people are looking for work from home. It's convenient, especially for stay-at-home parents. But there are many, many scams offering work that doesn't exist. Be wary of any adverts offering excessive pay for work from home, or that ask for money from you. Search the name of the company plus the word 'scam' and see what comes up. It could be enlightening.

2. Friend in Trouble

You get an email from a friend telling you that they're on vacation, they've been robbed, and they desperately need money to pay their hotel bill. But it's not your friend writing; they're not on vacation, and their email has been hacked. If you get a call making the same kind of claim, verify the story; call them on their home or work phone, or check with family. But it's almost certainly a scam.

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3. Apartment Rentals

When you're looking for an apartment for a vacation or to live in, be aware of scams. Some scammers place adverts 'renting' apartments that they don't own, using photos they've copied from genuine listings. Or they change the details of other listings to their own contact details. Always verify if someone genuinely owns an apartment before you send or give them money.

4. Online Dating

Many people are in very happy relationships thanks to online dating. However, it too attracts scammers who want to take advantage of people keen to find love. If someone you meet online quickly claims they've fallen in love with you, is in a hurry to talk off the site, or says they're American but working overseas, be wary. And never send money, however tragic their sob story is. They'll never meet you, and once they've got as much money as they can from you will cease contact.

5. Online Banking

Criminals may gain access to your online banking in two ways: by tricking you into giving them information, or by accessing your computer. If you get a call claiming to be from your bank, call your bank from your cell phone using an official number, not one the caller gives you. Always have your computer protected by an anti-virus program and firewall, and never clink on links asking for banking details.

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6. Online Shopping

Most online shopping transactions are trouble-free. But some scammers pretend to sell goods that you'll never receive once you've paid for them. Always check the feedback and history of a seller on a auction site, if they're selling expensive items. Someone who has lots of expensive goods at well below retail price is unlikely to be genuine, as is an account that has previously only sold low-value items. Also never pay outside the site, as you will lose buyer protection and probably not get your money back.

7. Government Agency

If you receive an email that claims to be from a government agency, asking for money or your personal details, it's probably a scam. It may claim that you need to pay a fee, or are entitled to a tax rebate - if you give your bank details. Official agencies will contact you by letter, not via email.

Have you ever fallen victim to an online or telephone scam?

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Recently, I almost got hacked. I was going to be buying a car from Amazon. & the seller sent me an email with all the details. Saying she was being deployed and she needed to sale her car before leaving. It was a great price so I had her send me an Amazon confirmation & it looked legit. I went to buy money orders and it just didnt feel right. So after I had the money orders, I called Amazon Payments and he told me.not to do it. That its been happening alot and its just a scam. After we disconnected, cried. I was so disappointed. I was more disappointed that I was about to fall for it. So always make sure ladies. Always. Best wishes! ♡

I get a lot of junk emails supposedly from women saying they want to meet me. I also get messages from supposed foreign pharmacies regarding male enhancement products. Clearly from no one reputable since I am not male. Be careful when opening emails or clicking links, even if your personal info isn't compromised you could end up with a computer the "I love you" email scam that went on years ago! As for dating sites I am also wearing of guys who just looked at my profile and private message me their cell phone number asking to talk on the phone or text...I just delete messages like that.

My husband was scammed by a government agency. They claimed to give you a free course as long as you get the job. One day the bank took almost £3,000. He visited their office and they had all fled never to be seen again!

Also, my husband was scammed by a government agency once. They claimed to give you a free course as long as you get the job. One day the bank took almost £3,000. He visited their office and they had all fled never to be seen again!

Send to my kids!!!

Sometimes I get emails that are claimed to be by the FBI and is all in caps and saying I'm in trouble. I also get emails where the scammer puts my email address in the From so it looks like I sent it! Viagra and cialis "sellers" and casual hookup profiles also show up sometimes for me yuck!!

Good article good advice

I nearly got corned by insurance agent , who was an third party promising an interest free loan, had I taken the policy , I would have to shell out 5000 usd every year for 15 year term , to receive only peanuts after maturity which was at 20 years. Thanks to my presence of mind at right time to call up the insurance regulatory body , who advised me it was a scam ... This article is perfect... Happy to find it and get educated wid awesome tips.. Thank you all

Thankyou for this article it's very useful and opens up our eyes to all those sad scam artists

Forgot to list the Vanilla Card Scam. They tell you to buy a Vanilla Card and put between $300-700 on it. Once you do this, you're supposed to give them the 800 number on the card and the card number. They promise to hack the website and to add a zero to the end of your card amount ($300 becomes $3000). They take a percentage and you have access to the rest. This scam sounds totally illegal and I can't believe people fall for it, but they do!

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