Reasons to leave your job don´t have to be negative ones, such as too much stress or a bullying boss. Sometimes there are some really great reasons to leave your job. Does that surprise you? As long as you are leaving for something that will enhance your life, it can be a very good move. Here are some positive reasons to leave your job …
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1. Better Job
One of the best reasons to leave your job is because you have found a better one. The days when people stayed within the same company for their entire career are long over, and it can be hard to progress within a company. So moving to a different firm can be a smart move if it secures you a better position, salary package and career advancement.
2. Study
Another positive reason for leaving is if you are going to start a course of study. This is effectively taking a career break, and as such should be used to enhance your job prospects. So going back to study is really worthwhile if it means that you can get a better job, or move into a field that you would love to work in. But do make sure that your chances are fairly good of getting the type of job that you want – you wouldn´t want to leave your old job for nothing!
3. Starting a Business
Starting your own business can also be a good reason for quitting your job. Obviously it´s not something that will happen overnight, and you should ensure that you have enough money to support yourself and invest in the business. But with careful preparation, a lot of hard work, and commitment, being your own boss can be the best thing you ever did, and secure your future in a way that being an employee never will.
4. Parenthood
One of the happiest reasons to leave your job has to be imminent parenthood! Each mother has to do what is right for her. Some prefer to keep working, and others unfortunately can´t afford to give up work. But for those that want to be a full-time parent, it´s a great reason to stop working.
5. Travelling
Travelling is a fun reason to leave your job. Most of us at one time have longed to travel the world, but money or commitments mean it´s not always possible. If you have the money, the opportunity and the longing to do so, it´s a fabulous way to spend some months or a year. But do make sure that you have solid plans for when you come back, and the means to support yourself until you find another job.
6. Moving City or Country
These days we´re pretty mobile, so one of the common reasons to leave your job is that you´re moving to another city or even emigrating. This is usually because you or your partner have a new job lined up. Sometimes, though, you just fancy a change, and a new start in a new location can be a great opportunity to develop as a person.
7. Ready for a Change
It can happen that you simply want to move on because you´re ready for a change. We can become too comfortable in a familiar situation, and our job may no longer challenge us. Stagnation is not good for us, so leaving a job in this situation can be really positive if we use the opportunity to find another that will stretch and excite us.
My aim here has been to show that there are plenty of positive reasons to leave your job. Most people quit because they´re unhappy in some way, but there can be much more constructive reasons to leave your job. These days, it´s tough to find any job at all, so if you decide to quit do plan carefully and line up a new job before leaving the old one. Have you ever left a job for positive reasons like this, or have you ever quit and regretted it?
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