Deciding to trade in the desk and the necktie for a comfortable life of working from home might seem attractive. And it definitely is. There are a lot of hidden benefits that people only discover when they actually make the jump, however. Here are 30 quick and dirty (sometimes literally) reasons why going freelance is the premier way to earn a living in the 21st Century.
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1. Skimp on the Attire. if Going to Work in a Dressing Gown, or Even Nothing at All, Sounds Fun then Just do It
2. Daily Showers Can Become a Thing of the past. if Grabbing a Shower Early in the Morning is a Hassle then Don’t Bother
3. Work at Any Time of the Day or Night!
4. The Ability to Work from Anywhere in the World, as Long as There is an Internet Connection
5. In the UK, and Other Countries, Freelancers Are Self-employed so They Pay Less in National Insurance Contributions
6. Claim Back on a Home Office and Any Other Expenses
7. Eliminate the Office Politics and Banter
8. Trade in the Rush-hour for a Leisurely Walk to the Coffee Maker
9. Pay a Visit to the Coffee Maker at Anytime of the Day or Night
10. Create a Schedule That Fits in Nicely with a Leisurely Afternoon Bout of TV Watching
11. Take Breaks Anytime, and of Any Length
12. Work on Whatever Seems Attractive. There’s No Obligation to Pick up a Project or to do Any Piece of Work That Seems Troublesome
13. Work for Whoever Seems Attractive
14. If a Client is Particularly Difficult then Just Remove Them and Their Project. Nobody is Going to do Anything about It
15. Feel Empowered by Taking Charge of What Happens and in What Way It Should Happen. Being the Boss Really is Good!
16. Take as Many Holidays as Desired. There’s No Informing the Secretary or Asking for Their Blessing before Leaving
17. Spend More Time with a Partner or Child and Fit Any Work around Their Schedule
18. Have the Potential to Earn More Money than Ever before. Don’t Worry about the Possibility of No Wage Rises in the Face of Inflation
19. Freelancing is a Field That’s Never Going to Disappear or Be Overridden by Technology
20. The Internet is a Growing Market and the Work That Needs Completing on It Will Just Keep Growing in Abundance. Get in Now and Carve out at Niche
21. Pants Are Optional!
22. Consider the Fact That Those Impulse Buys That Pop up Whilst Walking through Town Are Not Going to Be Present. in the Long Run, the Savings Are Going to Be Substantial
23. Enter Another Field at Any Time. as Long as Somebody Has the Skills in Which to Complete the Job then Clients Are Not Going to Care about Anything else
24. Whilst a Degree and a Good Education Are Beneficial, Neither Are a Prerequisite to Entering the Field of Freelancing
25. Put More Time in for the Community. It’s Well-known That a Lot of Freelancers Will Work on Projects in Their Spare Time for the Good of a Charitable Cause
26. Run Other Projects. if Somebody Has Always Had a Dream to Become a Fashion Designer then They Can Work on That in Their Spare Time without Feeling Exhausted from a Long Hard Day of Work
27. Streamline the Amount of Money Being Made. Remember, Many Employees Could Spend an Hour Travelling to Work and Another Hour Back from Work. No Employer Covers That in Their Pay Cheques
28. Meet a Wide Variety of People. One Day a Freelancer Could Be Travelling to Meet Somebody by the Seaside and the Next, Inviting Them over to Their House
29. Eliminate the Hassle of Winter Snows and the Spring Rains by Staying Cosy in the Lounge with a Roaring Fire
30. Avoid Dealing with Any Trade Unions and Forced Strikes That Take a Hard Day’s Wage Away from the Worker. There’s None of That. It’s Just the Freelancer and the Client without Any Ruffles and Frills