7 Great Money Saving Tips That All New Parents Should Know ...

Kati Dec 31, 2013

If there is one area of life that needs more money saving tips, it’s definitely children! Equipping, feeding and outfitting your child is likely to cost between $9,000 and $12,000 during pregnancy and the first year of life, according to the latest studies, and that’s not the kind of cash that’s easy to find. That’s why we’ve quizzed parents who’ve already been there on the best money saving tips that they found. Purses at the ready!

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1. Be Car Seat Smart…

Infant car seats are a big expense. Infant car seats for babies weighing up to 30lbs will let you carry your baby around without waking him up, but they are bulky and heavy, and can be a pain to carry around. A convertible car seat, on the other hand, will be good from 5 pounds to over 50 pounds, and sometimes even heavier. They can ride facing forwards or backwards, and often last for the first two or three years of life. One of the best money saving tips you’ll find!

2. Don’t Buy a Travel System…

Travel systems are hugely popular at the moment, but they are also really expensive. If you do buy an infant-only car seat, don’t buy the matching travel system. Instead, buy the matching rack that supports the car seat and turns it into a stroller. Cheaper, but just as good.

3. Make a Checklist…

Big brands aren’t always best when it comes to picking a stroller. Instead of choosing based on a color scheme, pick based on your requirements. Most people will need a stroller that’s lightweight, so that it can be easily maneuvered, and that has a reclining back. Wheels that can handle an uneven path are pretty useful, too. Once you’ve got a good basic stroller, you can purchase extra accessories as they are needed, and spread the cost. Don’t forget to check out cheaper but still respected brands such as Graco, Cosco or Kolcraft.

4. Skip the Pump…

Most new mums seem to buy a breast pump as a matter of course these days, but the best breast pumps are babies! If you know you’ll be at home for a while, let your baby do the work, and search for a pump just before you’ll need one. You may even be able to rent a pump for a few months or even a year, which will further cut costs. If you do need a breast pump right from the start, speak to your maternity unit about their rental schemes. A lot of units operate schemes which will allow you to rent highly efficient hospital grade pumps.

5. Cash in on Gifts…

Don’t keep gifts that you won’t use. You’ll just end up with drawers and drawers full of well-intended but pointless items! Instead, return them for cash or store credit, or sell them on. That way, you can get something you’ll really need, and you’ll get some use out of the gift. The giver would be much happier with that than the idea of the gift being in a drawer unused for five years before going to the thrift store.

6. Swap Baby Clothes…

Baby clothes get hardly any wear. Most babies outgrow their clothes in a matter of months, and sometimes just weeks. If you’re buying clothes, buy clothes one or two sizes bigger than you currently need, to let your baby grow into them. Encourage family and friends to buy a variety of sizes at Christmas and birthdays, too, so that they’ll last through the year.

7. Make Your Own Baby Food

One of the best money saving tips for new parents is to avoid jarred baby food and other expensive baby foods, and make your own weaning foods. Mashing up a banana or sweet potato takes seconds, and instant oatmeal makes a great baby porridge. Running cooked veggies through a blender or food processor is another quick and easy baby food.

There are plenty of other great money saving tips, too. Don’t worry about spending a fortune on activity centers – you’ll be your baby’s favorite toy for a long time yet! Did you discover any great money saving tips about having kids? Leave a comment and let us know!

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