How to Earn Extra Cash to Pay off Your Holiday Splurges ...

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How to Earn Extra Cash to Pay off Your Holiday Splurges ...

The holidays are behind us and you’re probably starting to get your credit card bills and along with them the massive regret that you spent too much money. Well, there’s not a lot you can do about it now. The thing to do is figure out how you’re going to pay for all that stuff you bought for your loved ones and yourself. Try one of these tricks to raise that extra cash and then resolve to not go crazy next year.

1 Sell Some Stuff on EBay or Craigslist

You just got a ton of new gifts and chances are if you take a hard look at what you already have, you’ll find some stuff you don’t need anymore. If it’s worth something, you can raise extra dough by selling it online. You might be surprised at the value of things you have that you don’t want or don’t use anymore.

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2 Get a Part-Time Gig

Many companies lose some of their holiday staff once things return to normal. That often means they have openings. Consider putting in a couple of nights at the bookstore or helping people shop at Macy’s and you can put that paycheck toward paying off your holiday bills. You can do this short-term until you catch up, but if you like it, stick with it and use the money to pad your nest egg.

3 Cash in on Your Hobby

Do you love knitting or scrapbooking? People are often willing to pay big for those skills. If you get loads of compliments on your handmade scarves, think about how much you’d charge for them. Sell them on Etsy and put the money you raise toward paying down those nasty credit card bills. Who knew you could make money doing something you love?

4 Teach Online Courses

Do you have a specific degree or field of study? Many online colleges pay people to “teach” their classes. The work usually involves mediating online discussions and grading online assignments. This is a fairly easy way to earn some extra money if you have the qualifications. Check into it – you might be surprised!

5 Sign up as a Driver for Uber or Lyft

These car services typically involve the average driver picking up people who need a ride and delivering them to their destination. If you have reliable transportation and have the free time, this can be a really easy way to make extra money. You can make quite a bit in a short amount of time and it really doesn’t require that much effort.

6 Offer Your Housework Skills

No one enjoys cleaning their house, so use that to cash in on some mega bucks. People are often willing to pay big time to avoid the mundane tasks around the house. Offer your services and get paid to clean up for other people. You might hate it, but think about how quickly you can get rid of those holiday bills by sucking it up and getting the job done.

7 Take on a Boarder

Do you have a spare room that doesn’t get much use? Taking on a boarder can earn you some quick money. Of course, you want to be careful who you rent your room to, especially if you have other roommates or a family at home. Check with your church or co-workers. There are often temporary employees or students studying abroad who need a place to stay.

Are you suffering sticker shock from your holiday bills? How are you planning to earn the extra money?

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