How to Get Rid of Interview Anxiety and Land Your Dream Job ...

By Corina5 Comments

Everyone knows how stressed out you can feel when you have a big job interview coming up. It’s natural to feel a bit anxious before an important job interview. After all, someone is about to evaluate your professionalism, your work performance, your abilities and your appearance. Yet, it’s very important to try to stay calm during that interview to project an air of confidence that will seduce your potential employer. You will also be able to focus much better and you will come up with the right answers for the interviewer’s questions. Here are a few very helpful tips on how to get rid of interview anxiety that will help you land your dream job:

1 Be Prepared

Doing your homework before going to an important job interview will help you calm your nerves since knowledge is power and the more you know, the more confident you’ll feel during the interview. Research the company, know what their products are and especially, who are their competitors. Just like you should study for an exam before taking it, you should do the same before a job interview.

Frequently asked questions

2 Accentuate the Positive

It’s really important to stay positive when you are looking for a job. Don’t let yourself get discouraged too quickly; everyone faces a lot of rejections before landing their dream job. Negativity can prevent you from seeing your key selling points clearly, so this can really affect that first impression that you make to your potential employer. Focus on the positive things in your life and accentuate your qualities during a job interview.

3 Rehearse

To be prepared for that job interview, try to rehearse the answers to a couple of questions that the interviewer might ask you. Try to outline the points that you want to make and really think about the message you want to convey. Just keep in mind that practice makes perfect and being prepared will significantly decrease your interview anxiety.

4 Arrive Early and Relax

Try to arrive early to the interview, so you’ll have the opportunity to take some time to calm down. You could just stay in your car for a few minutes, gather your thoughts, breath and remind yourself what a valuable and wonderful person you are.

5 Think of the Interview as a Conversation

To get rid of interview anxiety, try to think of an interview as a conversation between two people who are only trying to get to know each other better, just to see if they will be compatible working together. You are not the only one who can feel anxious. The interviewer can be nervous too, so just smile, breathe, relax and do you best to win them over.

6 Pace Yourself

Try not to let anxiety take over and pace yourself. Nervousness can prompt you to speak before considering the question properly and you might find yourself stumbling over your words or talking too fast. Don’t be afraid to make pauses. Take your time, consider your answers and speak when you are ready.

7 Accept the Fact That Mistakes Can Happen

Just keep in mind that employers are not looking for perfect. They actually want to hire someone who is flexible and who is resilient. Everyone makes mistakes, so don’t put so much pressure on yourself. This way, you will be able to perform better at an interview and you will show your potential employer that you can have grace under fire.

To ace the interview and land that dream job, you should also focus on your strengths and on your purpose, you should sit up straight and be confident. You should remember that there are other jobs out there and that you will find the job that will suit you best if you persevere. Do you know any other tips on how to get rid of interview anxiety? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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