How to Get Your Boss to Pay for Graduate School or College ...


How to Get Your Boss to Pay for Graduate School or College ...
How to Get Your Boss to Pay for Graduate School or College ...

Many employers have reduced tuition benefits since the last recession hit, though now that the economy is recovering slowly, employers are starting to be more generous towards employees who are looking to earn M.B.A.s and take college courses and other work-based college qualifications. This article highlights which methods of persuasion can work when you want to know how to get your boss to pay for further education:

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Support can take over a year to materialize, so it is important to be patient. Applying for support, taking GMAT’s, picking the correct programs, and getting yourself in the right place at work for tuition benefits can take over a year.



One employee was able to have his tuition fees reimbursed when he made a deal with his employer of staying with the company for at least five years.



Employers can tax-deductible tuition reimbursement with the IRS, which can be up to $5,250 per year per employee.


Beyond Money

When it comes to the financial side of tuition, there is always room for negotiation. But it is also important not to focus too much on the money, and there are other non-financial negotiations that can be made if the employer is resistant to paying for the full tuition costs.


Make Note of the Benefits

Employers clearly don’t like the idea of paying for tuition fees, with the effect of making the employee more attractive for other companies. It is thus important for you to describe the benefits your employer will receive for giving you the privilege. A great idea is to create a presentation which does exactly this. Employers state that such presentations help to provide new ideas, larger perspectives, and more implications, resources and expertise. These are all worthy trade-offs for tuition reimbursement.

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