How to Handle a Second Interview ...

By Neecey9 Comments

The second interview is usually the final hurdle to landing the job. You know you impressed the first time around because you’ve been asked back. You might be seeing the same hirer again or it might be a new set of interviewers. Whatever the case, don’t go into it blithely thinking that what was good for the first interview will be good enough for the second. Now is the time to bring your A+ game. Here are some industry insider tips for how to ace a second interview.

1 Focus on the Details

The key on how to have a successful second interview is to focus on the more minute details of the job in question and of yourself. All the basics and broad topics will have been covered in the first interview, and the purpose of a call back is for employers to really get down to the nitty gritty of how they think you will fare in their work environment. Give them information that they do not already know; keep them interested.

Frequently asked questions

2 If You Have a Different Interviewer

You may find that your are greeted by a different interviewer than your first experience, so make sure not to keep harping back to events of the first interview because it will only serve to detach the current interviewer from the overall impression of you. However, at the same time, it might be a good idea to briefly mention something that happened in your first interview so as to let this current interviewer know that you were able to build something of a rapport and connection in a brief period.

3 Be Prepared for a Different Format

It is very unlikely that your second interview will be a carbon copy of your first, so be prepared to handle anything that is thrown your way. It may be a group exercise, a problem solving task or even just a much more detailed and intrusive question and answer session. Just don’t go in thinking that you can rest easy because you’ve already been through one round.

4 Be Proactive and Engaged

There is nothing worse than an interviewer asking all of their questions to only receive simple three word answers and nothing else. Show them that you are engaged by responding eloquently and venture to slip in a few appropriate questions of your own when you feel the time is right. A conversation is always more pleasant than an interrogation!

5 Feel Free to Readdress

If there are any specific hang-ups that you are still experiencing from your first interview, do not be afraid to address them when the time is right. There is nothing worse than leaving something open ended, and your confidence and assuredness in wanting to be completely understood will help your potential employer to see that you do not like to leave any job unfinished.

6 Accept a Tour if Offered

Though you may be wracked with nerves and just want the interview to be over, always accept a workplace tour if one is offered. This will show the interviewer that you have a genuine interest in what may be your future work environment and it will come across well that you are willing to spend a few extra minutes of your time with them than you necessarily have to.

7 Don’t Be Afraid to Bring up Salary

Talking money with any employer is always an awkward situation, let alone one who hasn’t even given a job yet! However, salary expectations are a vital element of any potential job, so try not to feel weird about putting it all there for the interviewer to consider. After all, this future employment will be all about mutual respect, so you shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about talking finances.

Always make sure you leave a second interview fully understanding the next stage of the process. Display your enthusiasm for the position by asking this question. The least you can expect is an indication of when a decision will be made. And then don’t forget to follow up. Even if you didn’t land the job, be polite and thank them for their time. If they’re prepared to give it, ask for feedback as to why you didn’t get hired and learn from it for your next interview.

What’s your biggest dread about interviews?

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