9 Job Hunting Essentials You Can't Afford to Be without ...

Rosalina May 26, 2014

There are some job hunting essentials you can't afford to be without and which will mean that dream job you have been hunting for is just an interview away. Searching for a job can be a full time job in itself and it can become stressful and disheartening when you're not getting the responses you want. Here are some job hunting essentials with which to arm yourselves so that you can make the process that little bit less stressful and a lot more fruitful!

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1. Perfect Resumé

The first and most important of your job hunting essentials is your resumé and you want it to be perfect. List your skills and ensure that you have included all the relevant and most important information. If you can, ask someone who is trained in recruitment consultancy or careers advice to have a look over your resumé and check that it makes you shine and stand out from the job hunting crowd.

2. Friends and Family

You'll be amazed at how much nepotism goes on around the world but if it's something you can use to your advantage then what's the harm! Speak to friends and family about the fact that you're looking for a job. Chances are, they might know someone who is hiring and be able to put you in contact with them. Remember, sometimes it's not what you know but who you know!

3. Proactivity

Visiting companies and being proactive is another one of those job hunting essentials. Job hunting is a full time job in itself and it will eventually pay off. Be proactive by visiting companies and recruitment agencies so that they can meet you face to face. We live in the digital age where with one click of a button, you can upload your resumé for companies to look over at their leisure but there's nothing like the personal touch.

4. Trade Publications

Whilst you're looking for work, it's a great opportunity to read trade publications about companies in which you would like to work and to assess the ones which are hiring. This will also ensure you're keeping up to date with things as they evolve in this fast paced and ever changing world, something which you will be able to dazzle your prospective employers with at your next interview!

5. Organization

Organization is key when job hunting so keep files of companies and possible leads. Make a list of all the people you have spoken to and given your resume to and those who you would like to target next. It may be a case of following up those you haven't heard anything from for a while. Don't be afraid to be pushy if there is a particular place you really want to work. If employers see the drive, determination and fire in your eyes, they're more likely to give you a go.

6. Goals

Having goals when you're searching for work is also important. If only it was as easy as giving out your resume and waiting for the offers to come flooding in! Unfortunately, we live in tough economic times so it may take a little while before the offers come back. Setting goals will keep you motivated. For example, aim to give out eight to ten resumes in a week and call up to five companies. The goals are yours to set but make them SMART and SMARTER.

7. Volunteering

Spending a few days volunteering somewhere you would possibly like to work is a great way to get noticed. It's also a good thing to add to your resumé. When potential employers look at your resumé and see that you have been 'working' whilst searching for work, they'll be impressed by your determination and commitment.

8. Practice

Rather than waiting for that job interview before you perfect your interview skills, start polishing up your presentation skills now. Get your family or friends involved by getting them to ask you mock interview questions and if you're brave enough, video yourself so you can see how you come across.

9. Positivity

It can be disheartening if you're not getting the responses you want but never let that get you down. Remember, there is a perfect position out there for you but it just takes a little bit of work and a little bit of time to find it.

Searching for that job can be frustrating at times but it takes patience and a little hard work. Does anyone else have any hints and tips which have helped them speed up their job hunt?

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