Look Here to Feed Your Family for 50.00 a Week

Leiann Feb 7, 2019

Look Here to Feed Your Family for 50.00 a Week
Look Here to Feed Your Family for 50.00 a Week

Yes, this is possible! There is even a grocery list included in the Cheapism.com article featured. All of the work is done for you! Follow along...


I love, love, love, to find new ways to be frugal. As the article states that though this may not be the most nutritious menu, it is sure to get you through the rough times. Like my mother has always said, if you are hungry, you'll eat anything.

Following, I only found one big "Not gonna do it"... That would be instant coffee. I have to have automatic brew so you might need to splurge a little on the coffee. However, you deserve it!

The food is not going to taste like cardboard. Don't knock Dollar Tree food. With a little bit of this and a little bit of that, it can be quite scrumptious. A personal little tip: The sliced American cheese with Jalapeno in the freezer section makes the best grilled cheese. Do you know how many grilled cheese you can make with a package of sliced cheese and a loaf of bread when you only have $2.00?

I hope you have found this useful!

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