Marvelous Money Mantras to Adopt ...


A new year is right around the corner, and if you want to make better decisions with your money, there are several money mantras to adopt.

These are common sayings, but rather than shrug these off as nothing more than popular quotes, these mantras can have a tremendous impact on your personal finances. Here are seven money mantras to adopt.

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A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

This is one of the best money mantras to adopt. Granted, it's more fun to spend money and splurge on the things we want. But to get ahead in life – at least financially – we have to make smart choices with our funds. And if you're always crying broke or living paycheck to paycheck, adopting a frugal mindset can improve your financial outlook in the new year.


Money Can't Buy Happiness

Sadly, some people still believe money is the key to happiness. But although a larger bank account makes life a bit easier, it doesn't bring real happiness or true contentment. Real happiness comes from inside, and it's the people in our lives that make us the happiest. No matter how much money you have, you can't buy real love or good health.


It Could Be Worse

It's so easy to obsess when things go badly for us. But the truth of the matter is, our situation can always be worse. And somewhere in the world, there's someone dealing with far more than we deal with. Keep this in mind and it'll be easier to keep your situation in perspective. Not that you should sit back and do nothing about an undesirable situation, but feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to improve anything.


Be Grateful for What You Have

It's easy to complain about our lot in life. Maybe you want a bigger home or a nicer car. Our financial situation is what it is. We can't change the size of our bank accounts, so there's really no point in complaining or whining because we can't have a certain lifestyle. Be grateful for what you have, even if it isn't much. You might not have the biggest house on the block, but at least you have a roof over your head and the ability to pay your rent or mortgage.


Pay Yourself First

Bills are a priority, but so is your savings account. As a rule of thumb: save 10% of your income for a rainy day, another 10% for retirement and live off 80%. If you have to adjust the percentages, go right ahead. Just make sure you're saving something for emergencies and your future.


Keep It Simple

Living a simple life might feel restrictive, but this choice can contribute to a less stressful life. The more you have, the more you have to worry about. But if you keep your life simple, you'll enjoy more options. People who live simply typically have fewer expenses and more income to enjoy their life. They don't get caught up in a materialistic lifestyle, so they have less debt.


Cash is King

Starting now, make cash your best friend. Credit cards are great for emergencies, and they can help you build a credit history. But unless you're going to pay off balances each month, use cash.

If last year was a bad year financially, January is the opportunity for a fresh start. However, before you can fix your money, you have to change your attitude toward money. What are other money mantras to adopt?

Feedback Junction

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If I see something I want to buy I always wait at least a day before I get it. If I haven't forgotten about it then I know its not an impulse buy.

Great idea Andi

Great article!

Good info... very helpful tips.

This year I've decided very hard to put my finances on track...I urgently need to have an emergency fund! Thanks for this article!

I look at stuff I want on line,put it in the basket but never immediately go to check out. I wait a couple of days and then look it up and ten to one I decide I don't actually need it.

Food for thought

Great advice indeed! Thanks so much, dear author.

I love this article!

Love the article, and love the iPhone case in the picture, anyone know where I can get one?

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