7 Pros and Cons of Chasing the Dream Rather than the Money ...

Rosalina Dec 8, 2014

There are many pros and cons of chasing the dream rather than the money and I would like to share some of them with you. Whilst some of us forget the big dreams we may have had whilst growing up, others hold onto them tightly and with all their might, hoping that some day their dreams will come true. So, when it comes to career choices, what are some of the pros and cons of chasing the dream rather than the money?

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1. Pro: Finding Your Passion

One of the most important reasons for chasing the dream rather than the money, is that you will find your passion in life and hopefully feel fulfilled as a result. What better way to live your life than doing the thing you love every day? We all need to find our passion in life and if it means following our dreams and deepest desires then surely we should go for it?


When you immerse yourself in work that engages your heart and soul, you are more likely to excel and bring innovation to your field. The satisfaction from achieving mastery in what you truly enjoy can far outweigh the financial gains from a job that lacks meaning to you. After all, a sense of purpose drives perseverance, leading you to surpass obstacles that might otherwise deter you. Fulfillment is a wealth that no paycheck can match, and it nourishes your well-being in ways that materially focused jobs seldom do.

2. Con: Lack of Financial Security

One of the drawbacks of chasing the dream however, is the lack of financial security that may come with it. You may dream of being an actor or musician but the work is irregular and doesn't always promise financial security in the early days. You may find that you need to quit your job to pursue your dream of starting a business and the early days of a new business can be tricky. However, the lack of money might not matter to you because you would be doing something you truly love!


Chasing a passion often means sacrifices, especially when it comes to a steady paycheck. Many creative fields, such as writing or art, provide no guarantee of regular income. The same goes for entrepreneurs, whose investments are tied to the unpredictable tides of the market. You might find yourself compromising on lifestyle, or relying on savings and precarious part-time gigs. This financial uncertainty can be stressful, and it's crucial to be mentally prepared for it. Nevertheless, for some, the fulfillment of living out their passion outweighs the comfort of financial stability.

3. Pro: It Can Lead to Money

Money is a motivator for many people but that shouldn't be the sole reason you do something as it doesn't necessarily make you happy. A step into any profession should be motivated by the desire to do it because you love it and it makes you feel alive. Money shouldn't be the sole reason because if that doesn't follow, all you will feel is bitterness and disappointment. Of course, money can be made from chasing your dream but that should be a byproduct of doing something you're truly passionate about.

4. Con: Competition

Many dreams involve competing against many others. Many people have dreams of becoming musicians, actors or writers, but these are very competitive fields and you need to have the thick skin to withstand the knock-backs and rejection. As Konrad Adenauer said, "A thick skin is a gift from God."


Chasing the dream rather than the money can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be a difficult and risky endeavor. One of the major cons of chasing the dream rather than the money is the competition. In many fields, such as music, acting, and writing, there are a limited number of opportunities available and a large number of people vying for them. This means that the competition can be fierce and a lot of people will be rejected. It takes a special kind of person to be able to handle the rejection and keep going despite the odds.

Those who are successful in their chosen fields often have to put in long hours of hard work and dedication to make their dreams come true. This can mean sacrificing free time and other activities in order to focus on their dream. It can also mean taking on additional jobs in order to make ends meet while still pursuing the dream.

Chasing the dream can also mean sacrificing financial security. Many people who pursue their dreams do so without a steady income, which can mean living on a tight budget and having to make difficult financial decisions. This can be especially difficult for those who have family or other dependents.

5. Pro: Time is Limited

It's important to remember that we're only here once and for a finite number of years. Waking up one day and realising you have been working for thirty years in a relatively well-paid job but that you have been doing something meaningless or unfulfilling, can be incredibly sobering. One of the pros of chasing the dream, is knowing that you did all you could to achieve your heart's desires.


Engaging in pursuits that feed the soul rather than just the bank account speaks to the essence of who we are. It empowers us with a sense of ownership over our destiny. While financial security cannot be dismissed, the legacy of a life rich with passion and purpose leaves a lasting impact not only on ourselves but also on those around us, inspiring future generations to prioritize their dreams and transform the world for the better.

6. Con: Disappointment

Drowning in disappointment is another one of the cons of chasing the dream. You might work hard to achieve that dream you have had since you were a child but the disappointment and rejection might be too much to bear.


Often, the path to realizing a cherished aspiration is fraught with setbacks and letdowns. Each failure can chip away at your resolve, leaving you wondering if the sacrifices are worth it. It's not just the tangible losses that sting, but also the emotional toll it exacts on your spirit. The weight of unfulfilled expectations can alter your self-perception, leading to doubt and a diminished sense of self-worth. This emotional journey is a silent struggle, and it's crucial to have resilience and a supportive network to navigate through these testing times.

7. Pro: No Regrets

Another one of the pros of chasing the dream is that you are sure to have no regrets. No one wants to do the Shoulda Woulda Coulda shimmy all the way to their grave do they? Chasing your dream and knowing that you did all you could to achieve your dream, is one of the most important things in life.

These are just some of the pros and cons of chasing the dream rather than the money. What do you think? Are you all for chasing the dream or the money?

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