9 Things a Woman Should Always Have at Work ...


9 Things a Woman Should Always Have at Work ...
9 Things a Woman Should Always Have at Work ...

There are certain things a woman should always have at work. It doesn't matter if you keep them in your desk or pocketbook, as long as you have them, because according to Real Simple, you just might need them.

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Flats If your heel ends up breaking, you'll have some foldable flats that you can switch into.


A Stain Stick

A Stain Stick If you spill coffee on yourself, this will come in handy.


Keeping a stain stick in your desk drawer or purse can be a life-saver for those unexpected mishaps that can make you self-conscious about your appearance for the rest of the day. Not only does it help in removing the stain from your clothing, but it also boosts your confidence by making sure you look polished and professional at all times. Use it swiftly after any spill to prevent the stain from setting and to continue your day without skipping a beat. Remember, first impressions matter, and a stain stick helps you maintain a pristine image effortlessly.



Bandages You shouldn't rely on your boss to give you bandages. Keep a stash of some of your own.


Fashion Tape

Fashion Tape This could fix a broken hem or keep your belt from sticking up.


A Healthy Snack

cartoon, illustration, drawing, If you don't have time to grab lunch, at least you'll have a healthy snack to munch on.

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A Lint Brush

A Lint Brush You'll look unprofessional walking around with dog hair sticking to your clothes.



Floss You don't want to enter a meeting with food stuck in your teeth.



Tweezers These can come in handy, so make sure you always have them on you.


A Phone Charger

A Phone Charger What would you do without your phone?

What do you always make sure to bring to work?

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Zoro omg

Deodorant stick and yes I have recently started having a toothpick :) to clean the back of my nails when needed.

Hello how are you doing

Chewing gum. Keeps me calm lol menstrual cup, cloth pad and extra underwear.

Lotion or hand cream

All of the above, lip balm and gloss (nothing worse than chapped lips), painkillers for those surprise period pains and nail file except for the peonies

Don't forget the pads ladies 😅

I have a small bouquet of peonies yep obvious always a glass of water tissues and sweets

Tampons/liners and deodorant/body spray. It seems that if/when I'm running late, I always forget these things.

Mints. I talk to a lot of people daily.

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