7 Things That Can Help You Avoid Buyer's Remorse ...

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Although it’s an extremely common feeling, there are ways to avoid buyer’s remorse. This basically involves buying something and then, regretting the purchase a few hours or days later. Many of us experience buyer’s remorse from time to time. But if you find yourself battling this demon all the time, there are ways to get around it. Here are seven things that can help you avoid buyer’s remorse.

1 Take Inventory of What You Have before Shopping

To avoid buyer’s remorse, always take inventory of what you have before shopping. When there’s a sale, it's easy to lose your mind and buy something simply because it's cheap. But if you don't really need the item, it might sit in your closet untouched for several weeks or months, triggering buyer’s remorse.

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2 Do Not Shop Final Sales

Unless you're absolutely sure that you need an item and that you'll use it, don't shop final sales. Since you are unable to return these items, you're stuck with the purchase, regardless of whether you feel buyer’s remorse later or not. If you regret the purchase, it’s like flushing money down the toilet.

3 Do Not Shop when You're Emotional

When bored, sad or feeling anxious, some people run straight to a retail store. However, shopping when you're emotional can end with buying things that you don't need or really want, which can bring on buyer’s remorse once your emotions stabilize. Sure, you can always return the item, but why go through the hassle?

4 Do Not Shop with Shopaholics

Even if you're not a big shopper, going to the mall with someone who loves to shop might persuade you to buy items that you don't need. And if you feel pressured to keep up with their spending, you might temporarily lose all sensibility and buy things that you wouldn't ordinarily purchase on a whim.

5 Leave Credit Cards (and Cash) at Home

If you leave your cash and credit cards at home, you remove all temptation to buy items that you don't need which can cause buyer’s remorse. This way, you can truly window shop without adding to your debt or using money that could build your savings account.

6 Sleep on It for One or Two Nights

If you find something that you like, whether it's electronics or clothes, don't immediately make the purchase. Give yourself time to think about the item — to determine whether it's something you need and want. Often times, some people forget about an item, or lose the desire to make a purchase once the item is out of sight.

7 Compare Prices before Shopping

There's nothing worse than buying something, and then finding it cheaper elsewhere. Since returning items can be a bit of a hassle, save yourself the trouble and always shop around before making a purchase. You can compare prices online, or call local retailers and inquire about prices before driving to the store.

You might not be able to avoid buyer’s remorse completely, but the above tips can at least reduce the number of times you deal with this emotion. And when you approach shopping from this angle, you're likely to only buy what you need, and what you can realistically afford at that moment.

What other approaches can help you avoid buyer’s remorse?

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