Not Good with Money? Learn from Your Financially Savvy Friends ...

Alicia Feb 22, 2015

Your friends can be a huge key in helping you save money. This is dependent upon their financial talents, though. There are many different ways that you can save money and having friends that have the know-how in those individual areas is a blessing. These are 7 types of friends that can help you save money.

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1. The Frugal Friend

The frugal friend is a great friend to have, especially if you’re in a tight spot. She’s really good at knowing how to pinch pennies. She seems to have the ability to turn fives into fifties. She’s the one that has all kinds of little ways to make her money go further. Usually this’s something she enjoys doing and she loves to share her knowledge.

2. The Savvy Saver

The savvy saver is a friend that knows how to save regardless of the financial situation she’s in. She may have debt but she also has a nice little nest egg growing somewhere. If saving isn’t your strong point then this is the friend you need to talk to. Ask her how to start saving money and what the best tips for you are. Before long, you could be watching your own savings accounts grow.

3. The Bottom Dollar Shopper

The bottom dollar shopper friend is the one that always gets the lowest price on her purchases. You won’t see her frustrated when she finds out someone else got the same item for a better deal because that doesn’t happen. If you’re interested in always getting the lowest price, then she’s got the tricks to the trade. Ask her to teach you how she knows when to buy and when to wait. You’ll love learning her secrets.

4. The Investment Genius

This is the friend that’s exceptionally smart when it comes to money. She understands using money as a tool. If the world of investing confuses you then this is the pal you need. She can help you learn where to put your money for the biggest returns. Many of us struggle in this area so if you have a friend that’s talented in investments, be sure to appreciate her.

5. The Bargain Buddy

The bargain buddy is one that doesn’t see the price on the item as the final cost. She knows how to go after a bargain. She doesn’t care to ask for a lower price. What’s surprising is how often she gets one. If you don’t have a clue where to begin on this then ask her to enlighten you.

6. The Buy in Bulk Friend

Buying in bulk can be confusing, especially at first. It can be difficult to figure out if you’re really getting a deal and if it’s a product you could actually use in bulk. Talk to a friend that’s talented at buying in bulk about your confusion. She can help you learn the simple secrets of how to save money this way. Before long, you’ll know exactly how to buy things in bulk and never lose money.

7. The Financial Guru

Every now and then you just get lucky with a friend. She’s an all-around financial guru that has a bit of knowledge about any kind of financial dilemma you may have. She speaks fluently in the language of money and can help you to understand things that confuse you. Money management can be a natural talent but it can also be a skill that you learn. Having a friend that knows her stuff can help you to improve upon your money management skills.

These are 7 types of friends that can help you save money. Which ones do you have in your life? How have they helped you?

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