7 Ways Your Partner Can Ruin Your Finances ...

By Valencia

There are several ways your partner can ruin your finances. You might share everything with your partner or spouse, such as your home and your money. But if you're not careful, a partner’s bad money habits can damage your personal finances. For that matter, it's important to keep a close eye on your money. Here are seven ways your partner can ruin your finances.

1 Ringing up Your Credit Cards

Misusing your credit card is one of several ways your partner can ruin your finances. Since you share everything, you might not hesitate letting your partner use a credit card that's only in your name. You might give him or her full access to your account. But if your partner has a spending problem, he might ring up your charge cards. The debt is his but the account’s in your name, so you're responsible for the balance. If he doesn't pay, and you can't pay either, your credit score suffers.

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2 Forgetting to Pay Joint Bills

If you have joint accounts, such as an auto loan, a mortgage or credit cards, your partner might be responsible for certain bills. Even though he or she agrees to make the payment, you need to stay on top of these accounts. If your partner forgets, defaults or stops paying altogether, the delinquency might appear on your credit report and lower your score.

3 Unable to Keep a Job

Some people are unable to keep a job. Whether they're getting fired or quitting on a whim, a partner that’s frequently unemployed can wreak havoc on your personal finances. If he or she doesn't have a job, the household bills might fall in your lap. And as the only person paying the bills, you might get behind on payments, which can trigger late fees and a damaged credit score.

4 Impulse Buys

The occasional splurge is okay, but if your partner always buys on impulse and he or she spends money dedicated for bills, this could impact both of your personal finances. You might have to dip into your account to pay bills you ordinarily aren't responsible for. Plus impulse buys take money out of your household.

5 Poor Budgeting

A weekly or monthly budget is important to keep finances on the right track. But if your partner is against budgeting, there's a good chance that he or she might overspend during the month. And when it's time to pay the rent or mortgage, your partner may not have his share, and you know what this means. Not only are you responsible for paying your share of the bills, but his as well.

6 Lending Money

It might be hard to turn your back on a friend or relative who needs financial help. But if your partner tries to be everyone's Savior and he's always lending money that you need for bills, this could have a huge negative impact on the family's finances. There might be less money for saving, or there might not be enough to pay bills during the month.

7 No Credit History

A credit history is important, and often times you'll need credit to buy a house or a car. For that matter, if your partner doesn't have credit, it might be harder to move forward with certain purchases. Anytime you need to finance something, you'll have to apply in your name only, which means your credit is the only one at risk if payments arrive late.

Not everyone's financially savvy, but fortunately there's hope for your partner. Rather than yell or get mad, set time aside to have a financial discussion. You can express your concerns and work with your spouse to improve the situation. What are other ways a partner can ruin your finances?

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