Whether you like it or not, it’s fair to assume that a considerable amount of your time is spent thinking about money! You think about the money that you do have, you think about the money that you don’t have, and you think about all the things you want to do with all the real and imagined funds! Staying on top of your finances is important, so it’s good to get any advice or tips where you can. Here is **your financial horoscope for 2019. **
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1. Aries
You are set to make big moves in your career this year, which means that you should be making more money than you ever have before. Time to upgrade that bank account!
2. Taurus
You are going to face the problem this year of developing more expensive tastes, without actually making any extra money to be able to fund your lifestyle! By all means treat yourself, but just be careful.
3. Gemini
You are going to have an opportunity to make a large amount of money this year, you just have to make the decision about whether you are prepared to make the sacrifices and put in the hard work required.
4. Cancer
Things have been a little bit unstable for you for a while, but 2019 looks like it might be the year when you can finally start to see the light at the end of the financial trouble tunnel.
5. Leo
Fun and adventure is always on the agenda for a Leo, but this year you shouldn’t get carried away and make the mistake of spending money that you don’t really have. Be careful with those credit cards.
6. Virgo
The first quarter is going to be a bit rough for you, but by the time spring is in full swing, you are going to have a lot more financial freedom to do the things you want to do.
7. Libra
You are in danger of getting into debt this year, but as long as you stay sensible and play it smart, you should be fine. It’s all about living within your means!
8. Scorpio
You will find that you get lots of career opportunities this year. The trick is to make sure that you don’t take one too early and miss out on an even better situation later in the year!
9. Sagittarius
There is a good chance you are going to surpass your financial goals this year. 2019 is set to be a super productive and lucky one for any Sagittarius.
10. Capricorn
You are going to be paying much more attention to your finances this year because the time has come where you can’t ignore those bank statements anymore.
11. Aquarius
You are going to have some more cash in your pocket this year, because some of the people you have been financially responsible for are going to start paying you back as thanks!
12. Pisces
It’s all about climbing the career ladder for a Pisces in 2019. The sky is the limit, and the harder you work, the more you will be paid!