7 Tips for Sending a Follow up Email after an Interview ...


So, you just had a job interview and everything went well. Since you don't want to miss out on this opportunity, you might decide to send a follow-up email after the interview thanking the employer. This is an excellent move, and it definitely keeps your name on the employer's mind. However, there's a wrong and a right way to send a follow-up email after an interview.

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1. Be Patient and Wait a Couple of Days

If you're following up after a job interview, don't follow up the same day. The employer is busy interviewing other people, so it's best to wait a couple of days. There are no definite guidelines regarding how long to wait, but some career experts recommend sending a thank you or follow up email one to two days after the interview.

2. Keep Your Email Message Brief

It's important to send your email to the person who conducted the interview. If you didn't get this person's email address, you might find his contact information on the company's website. A follow up or thank you email should be short and to the point. Basically, you'll thank the interviewer for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with you. If your message is too long, the interviewer might only read the first couple of lines.

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3. Make a Final Pitch for the Job

After thanking the interviewer for meeting with you, make one final pitch for the job. This should be no more than one or two sentences long. Let the interviewer know you're excited about the opportunity to work with the company, and then offer a single brief reason why you're the best candidate for the job.

4. Skip the Informal Tone

It might be a simple email, but you should remain professional. Don't address the interviewer with informal greetings, such as "Hey Mike," or "Hi Buddy." Use the interviewer's first and last name, or simply his last name. For example, "Dear Tim Jones," or "Dear Mr. Jones."

5. Use a Professional Email Address

Every positive impression helps when seeking a job. If you're sending a thank you or follow up email after an interview, send the email from a professional email address. For example, "jon_smith@anymail.com." Avoid cutesy email addresses like "cuddlesforyou@anymail.com or sportsfan10@anymail.com.

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6. Proofread Your Email

Understandably, you're excited to follow up. But this isn't an excuse to shoot off an email without proofreading for typos and grammatical errors. If you can't write a short email without making a mistake, the employer might feel you're not the right person, especially if the job requires creating or typing documents.

7. Don't Overdo It

After following up, some employers will acknowledge your email shortly thereafter. If you don't hear back, fight the urge to send a second follow up email. Employers are extremely busy. In addition to conducting interviews, they're also trying to complete other work-related tasks. If you send too many email, you might come across as annoying, and any negative impression can hurt your chances of getting the job. Be excited and enthusiastic, but not too eager.

The job market is tough, yet a follow up email after an interview can get your foot in the door. There are no guarantees, but every little bit helps.

What are other tips for following up after a job interview?

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You should always follow up wishing 48 hours. You shouldn't "wait a few days" as mentioned in this article. The sooner you send your email the less likely you will be to forget to send it and the interviewer isn't going to read it immediately (or stop what they're doing to read it immediately). Waiting a couple of days can give the impression that you generally take a few days to complete necessary tasks or that you aren't really sure if you want the position. Emailing right away shows that you're excited about joining the team and you can see yourself working at the firm. You should follow up within a week if you don't hear anything back from the interviewer.


NOT Night.....errrrr... MIGHT! (hehe)

I agree with Mary. Often times you may be the last interview they had and thus they are in the decision making process. Waiting too long night backfire on you if that's the case! They will read your email when they have time, but even if they don't right away they will see it in their inbox and hopefully by the subject line you pick, kniw what your message is about without reading.

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