7 Tips on How to Get a Perfect Credit Score ...


Are you interested in learning how to get a perfect credit score? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Getting a perfect credit score can take you farther in life. People with high credit scores typically qualify for loans, plus they're able to get the best interest rates. This can reduce monthly payments, increasing affordability. But how do you achieve this? Here's a look at seven tips on how to get a perfect credit score.

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1. Pay off Your Credit Cards

If you want to learn how to get a perfect credit score, tackling your credit card bills is the first step. The amount you owe creditors makes up about 30% of your credit score, according to Myfico.com. Therefore, the more you owe your creditors, the lower your credit score. To pay off your debt, start paying more than your minimums. In addition, stop adding new charges to your cards. And if you use your card, pay off the balance in full each month.

2. Pay Cash for Cars

Since the amount you owe makes up a large percentage of your credit score, try and pay cash for as many things as possible. Understandably, you may not be able to pay cash for a home or pay for college tuition out-of-pocket. But if you can save up for other things, such as a car, you can avoid a car loan, which keeps your debt to income ratio within a reasonable range.

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3. Diversify Your Credit

Having a mixture of credit accounts is another way to add points to your credit score. This is much easier than you may think. For example, you don't want to have just one or two types of credit. To diversify, you might have a credit card for emergencies and a mortgage loan that you pay off over thirty years. If you're unable to pay cash for a car, you might add an auto loan into the mix, and perhaps a student loan.

4. Don’t Cosign a Loan

Cosigning a loan not only increases your debt to income ratio, but there's always a chance that the primary borrower will default on the loan. This action can lower your credit score and kill your chances of achieving a perfect score. As a rule of thumb, only cosign a loan if you can afford to take over payments if the person defaults. If you question your ability, don't put your name or credit on the line.

5. Build Credit at an Early Age

The length of your credit history also influences your credit score. For that matter, someone with a long history of credit will probably have a higher score than someone getting their first credit card. Therefore, you need to build credit at an early age, perhaps in your late teens or early 20s. To get started, talk to your bank about a secured credit card, or apply for a retail charge card, which is easier to get approved for with no credit history.

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6. Pay on Time

The timeliness of your payments makes up 35% of your credit score, according to Myfico.com. Therefore, building a perfect credit score will require that you pay all of your bills on time every month. This includes your credit cards, auto loans, mortgages and student loans. In addition, make sure you pay utility bills on time. These creditors may not report to the bureaus on a monthly basis, but they will report delinquencies, which can lower your FICO score.

7. Let Time Heal a Bad Credit Rating

If you have negative information on your credit report, such as a foreclosure, a bankruptcy or a repossession, only time can make up for these credit mishaps. Negative information can stay on your credit report for up to 7 to 10 years. However, if you improve your credit habits, you can rebuild your credit in about 2 to 3 years. But unfortunately, you may not achieve a perfect score until a negative item falls off your credit report.

It will take time, patience and determination, but you can achieve a stellar rating. Are you happy with your credit score? If not, how do you plan to increase your rating?

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I've paid cash for everything and have no credit cards and have NO credit history it's even worse.

Depressing article with no new information that's not been heard ten million times already

the credit system in America is very hard to build and keep clean. it's nearly impossible. you really have to start off with money to begin with and never ever make a late payment or have anything neg on your report or else. in the real world most people don't have great credit. it's called life. people get laid off or maybe injured and can't work. bills can pile up and payments late start the snowball effect to bad credit. I know I've been there. I pay cash for everything. it's just easier. I have less debt for it.

I work for a collection agency & don't nec. agree with everything in the article. carrying some credit card debt allows lenders to see how u manage ur finances. the truck is to carry just small balances & pay on time. Same rule applies to always paying in cash ... lenders want to see how u manage ur money, paying cash does not allow a lender to see how u manage debt. everyone is a debtor to some extent & ur credit report should be a reflection of how u manage that debt. Of course, collection items will cost u big in terms of ur score.

Louise,why so rude? I am 35 and have a good credit score but found it useful. if you don't like it,don't read it. you are the depressing one,who's negativity I have heard ten million times in my life. I'm over ppl like you.

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