Preparing for a VMware certification exam is investing in the future of your virtualization career. Because of VMware’s well-respected reputation in the market, its certification exams are easily distinguished among others and sought-after by many. VMware 2V0-622D is one of the popular qualifying exams that brands you as a VMware certified professional. To learn the best out of this exam, let’s get into a deeper discussion of its background, requirements, and most importantly, its advantages in any promising IT professional’s career.
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1. Into the World of VMware and Its Certification Paths
To convince you on why associating your career in any of the certifications offered by VMware is valuable, let us first learn more about this renowned virtualization company and what it has to offer.
VMware has always been on the caliber plane of the virtualization market. It has laid open to the world of IT a certification program that sets itself apart from other organizations. This is comprised of different certification levels that fit an individual’s competence in the virtualization field, namely: Associate, Professional, Advanced Professional, and Design Expert. 2V0-622D exam belongs in the professional level of the VMware certification ladder. For each of this level, there are corresponding highly-pursued certification tracks. These include Data Center Virtualization, Cloud Management & Automation, Network Virtualization, Desktop and Mobility, Digital Business Transformation, and Digital Workspace Click Here to Buy Now.
2. Everything You Need to Know about the Exam
2V0-622D is also known as VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta Exam. It consists of a total of 70 questions that are either in the single and multiple choice and proctored format. You are to finish all of the exam questions successfully within 105 minutes. If you get a score of 300, this means you’ve nailed the exam, consequently, the certification.
3. Skills Tested
The exam basically assesses whether you are equipped with the expertise in effectively managing VMware vSphere 6.5 environments. This includes your ability in dealing with vSphere Virtual Machines. Other than that, you must also show mastery in scaling, installing, and deploying a myriad of VMware vSphere 6.5 situations.
4. Associated Certification
• VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization or VCP6.5-DCV
Successfully finishing the exam then leads you to this in-demand credential which validates your theoretical and real-world competence in efficiently overseeing a vSphere V6.5 infrastructure. As a holder of this certification, you must incorporate your implementing and troubleshooting skills in applying the innovative practices of VMware and virtualization.
• VMware Certified Professional - Data Center Virtualization 2019 or VCP-DCV 2019
Another certification related to this exam is the VCP-DCV 2019, which has gradually made waves in the virtualization market. Acquiring this credential demonstrates your know-how in filling the proper techniques, skills, and practices in a vSphere V6.7 infrastructure.
5. Prerequisites for the Exam
An applicant of this exam must first be well-versed in the vSphere environment since this certification is already on the professional level. Hence, you must have a solid foundation first in order to fully perform in vSphere 6.5 environments. This can be gained from a year-long experience in IT as well as months of working experience in vSphere using the necessary installation, configuration, and management skills.
6. Topics Covered in 2V0-622D
In comparison to Exam 2V0-622, the topics encompassed in 2V0-622D regulate more on the modifications between vSphere v6.0 and v6.5. Some of the objectives of the exam emphasize on the configuration of varied controls as well as securing and managing Virtual Machines. To get an in-depth understanding of the exam objectives, you can access the comprehensive study guide provided on the official website of VMware.
7. The Value of Passing Your 2V0-622D Exam
You can be the best IT professional in the field of virtualization and yet, there are still important things that you can miss. A VMware certification helps you pinpoint other essential functionalities that will help you get the job done better. Studying for and passing this exam only proves that you are willing to learn other knowledge outside of what you learned from work or school.
Career-wise, having the badge of success in this certification exam is a huge milestone. The career path selection in IT is wide for many VMware certified professionals. You are well-armed in pursuing distinguished positions like data professional, data expert, data advanced professional, and data associate professional.
8. Exam Preparation Tools
• VMware video training course
Over 154 videos are available in this detailed exam prep. It is an all-in-one package that contains an extensive run-through of the certification program and of the exam objectives. Adding on are helpful tips and sample questions of the exam.
• Lab environment
Setting up your own lab environment maximizes your learning potential of managing the environment the proper way. Comparatively, building your lab in your own device is better because it makes your exam preparation handier. Wherever you are at the moment, you can freely course around your lab and practice.
• PrepAway Bundle
Accessing PrepAway’s website introduces you to multiple study materials. Its package consists of a premium file, a training course and a study guide that will add to your current level of understanding of 2V0-622D. Their sets of practice questions are close enough to the actual exam questions. It’s because their files have been verified by top specialists. The useful training course provides an exhaustive discussion for the exam topics. This bundle is available at an affordable price of $39.98.
9. Conclusion
Your expertise in 2V0-622D immediately marks your capacity in virtualization. Hence, you must know better in investing your time and effort in this industry-recognized certification exam. Not only does clearing this exam get you to attain VMware’s highly-regarded certifications but it also serves as an instrument in your career elevation.