9 Brilliant Ways to Stretch Your Holiday Budget ...

Jordin Nov 17, 2013

Learning a few ways to stretch your holiday budget will be helpful for the hectic season that is only just beginning. With Halloween behind us, now begins the flurry of plans for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, and any other holiday your family celebrates. This time of year it can be easy to overspend, so here are a few ways to stretch your holiday budget and keep everything in perspective!

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1. Exchange Homemade Gifts

One of the easy ways to stretch your holiday budget is by exchanging homemade gifts. If you have a crafty edge then you can use websites like Pinterest to make creative and cute gifts for your loved ones. Even if you aren’t crafty at all, Pinterest has the easiest tutorials out there, so you can feel craftier than Martha Stewart!

2. Stay with Family

One area that always gouges my family in the wallet around the holidays is hotel stays. So instead of forking out loads of cash on a room we only sleep in, we stay with friends or family. This gives us more time to visit anyway, and grandparents love having the grandbabies near!

3. Have a White Elephant Christmas Party

If you aren’t into crafting, and you still want an inexpensive option for exchanging gifts, then go with a white elephant gift exchange! Everyone can bring one gift, preferably something you already have and can’t use or don’t want, then draw names or numbers to pick a gift. This is a fun and different twist on the gift exchange that many people enjoy.

4. Meet Halfway

When you have family scattered all over the country, it may be far too expensive and time consuming to travel across multiple states. An option would be to pick a central location for everyone to meet at! Rent a cabin for the weekend or use a vacation home in the family. Be creative and work with your situation!

5. Recycle Decorations

If you’re getting tired of all your decorations and would like to buy new, don’t shop for them in stores. Instead, have a recycle party! Invite your friends and neighbors to bring Christmas décor that they have grown tired of and swap out with each other. This way, you get new décor without breaking the bank!

6. Put Back a Little Money Now

You know all those last minute holiday things that crop up that you have to turn down due to low funds? Set back an emergency holiday fund now with about $100 in it. That way, if you want to buy a last minute gift or attend a Christmas concert at the last minute, then you can pay for it without using your credit card!

7. Cook from Scratch

Thanksgiving and Christmas are always full of yummy foods, but this year, instead of buying things premade, why not cook from scratch? It’s less expensive, healthier, and you can make it a family affair. So go for it, and don’t forget to ask your mom for all the secret family recipes.

8. Shop Secondhand

So you need a dress for all the holiday parties you will be attending this year. Instead of buying an expensive dress brand new from the department store, shop at a thrift store! You may be surprised at the great prices and lovely dresses you find. Many people wear a formal gown once, and then donate it since they won’t wear it again. Maybe you can be the lucky person who finds a name brand designer dress for a fraction of the price!

9. Remember the True Reason for the Season

Amidst all the hustle and bustle, take time to slow down and enjoy your family. When it comes down to it, spending time together is more important than shopping anyways. And sitting at home in good company is the best way to refrain from spending more money.

The holiday season is one of my favorite times of year, and I never want to skip out on any traditions. This list of tips has been my lifesaver for making sure my family enjoys every aspect of the holidays without feeling it too much in the wallet. How do YOU save money around the holiday season?

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