Wouldn't it be great to have a guide to choosing your degree? Education is a beautifully rewarding experience that also happens to come with some stress and hard work. The most difficult part of college for me was choosing the right major and then sticking with it. If you are confused or know someone who is confused about the next step to take then look no further than this guide to choosing your degree.
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1. What is My First Step?
I always recommend talking to your college advisor. Colleges normally assign a temporary advisor based on your indicated degree preferences and this advisor should offer helpful information to ease your decision. Even if you don’t find your advisor particularly helpful or personable you have access to degree plans. I remember picking up multiple degree plans and being excited over every possible option while inhaling an Otis Spunkmeyer muffin. You don’t have to eat the muffin, but please talk to your advisor and be aware of your options.
2. What if I like Everything?
Well, that isn’t exactly a bad problem to have because college is the time to take classes in different areas and discover your passion. Keep an open mind about the majors available at your university and enroll in classes that interest you. Ignore people who call your degree “useless”, “boring”, or any other negative words because it is your degree and their opinions are irrelevant.
3. If I Don’t like Anything?
Remember the obsession I had with picking up multiple degree plans? That didn’t actually translate into any passion for those subjects. I took everything from theology to chemistry and I still had no passion for any of those classes. I found them all to be pretty boring and watched the clock in every single lecture. There’s nothing wrong with not being passionate about a particular major because everyone is different! It’s unoriginal but very true. I can only recommend surrounding yourself with positive people and finding other activities that bring peace to your life.
Concluding Thoughts?
Time for a recap.
Education is rewarding.
Choosing a major can be difficult.
The word “useless” does not apply in this situation.
Make decisions that bring you happiness.