If you’re in the job market, and want to try something new that might suit you, and teach you something new, I have a few jobs to try. Why not? You’re only young once, you have all summer to work before school starts again in the fall. Here are 8 jobs everyone should try at least once… let’s get started!
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1. Waitress
Try this job and you’ll have a whole new respect for how hard waitresses hustle. You’ll have a toned core, legs of steel, and a wad of cash tips at the end of the day. The only downside? The lack of respect from some patrons, and the piddling paycheck at the end of the week.
2. Day Care Provider
If you love kids, why not try this job? The licensing process is simple and brief, if you think you’ll love to be with kids all day, every day. There’s a great need for good, caring day care providers, so if you do indeed love children, this is a fantastic job to try.
3. Taxi Driver
If you have an excellent sense of direction, love to drive, and are always chatting up strangers, why not become a taxi driver? You’ll never be bored, you’ll make awesome cash tips, and you’ll even possibly get to meet celebrities. Sweet!
4. Fitness Instructor
Wondering how to get fit, and lacking inspiration? Why not become a fitness instructor, which is an excellent job to try, because then you’ll have no excuse for not getting to the gym to work out. Seriously, trust me — you’ll be fitter than ever if you try this job.
5. Hotel Maid
If you’ve ever stayed at a hotel for a quickie or a night with your sig other, then the day after your fling, some poor man or woman had to clean up your mess. If you’re not sure why this is a nasty, horrible, messy, wretched job, try it for a week or two. They pay is abysmal, the hours are terrible, and you spend your day cleaning up other people’s messes. Considering this, you’ll probably be a much better hotel guest, right?
6. Volunteer at a Nursing Home
I don’t know why we don’t spend more time with our elderly friends and relatives, but we should — they’re a treasure trove of interesting stories, and they love to share them. So many elderly people are forgotten, so why not volunteer a few hours, one day a week, at a local retirement home? The people you visit will love the attention, especially if you ask questions about their grandchildren, or how they met the love of their life.
7. Volunteer Firefighter
Is there anything sexier than a man who volunteers his time to save his friends and neighbors? If you want to meet a hunky volunteer firefighter, don’t start putting kittens in trees, hoping he’ll come and rescue them. Instead, volunteer your own time, and get in some good karma, as well as landing a hottie.
8. Animal Shelter Volunteer
If you’re an animal lover, you may want to consider this job to try. Volunteer at a local animal shelter, one of the smaller ones, where your love and attention will be the most appreciated, and will have the biggest impact.
With so many different new jobs to try, it’s time to open the classifieds or navigate to the yellowpages.com, so you can land one! Which of these somewhat menial but meaningful summer jobs appeals to you most, and why? Or is there another job to try you’d like to share? Please let me know!
Top Image Source: weheartit.com