If you’re on a tight budget, Black Friday is like a double-edged sword. You want in on the deals and savings but you also have to spend your hard-earned cash. It’s also hard to tell if the deals are as good as they seem or if it’s just good advertising. Well, we’re here to take madness out of Black Friday shopping so you get the most bang for your buck. Yes, it’s possible to go shopping on Black Friday and come out a winner and we’re going to show you how!
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1. Create a Budget
First things first, when you want to keep your holiday spending in check, especially when it’s Black Friday shopping, create a budget. This way, you know exactly how much you can or want to spend and where. Don’t forget to allow yourself some leeway in case you don’t get exactly what you were hoping to find on the big day. You never know what will sell out or if a particular store won’t carry something. A budget will also make things easier when it comes time to see how much you spent overall during the holidays. Just make sure you set a hard limit and stick with it!
2. Use Your Cash
Even if you have a mile-long shopping list, resist the temptation to go shopping with your credit cards. Instead, make a list and stick to what’s on the list, and only spend cash. This way, you avoid overspending or buying things that you don’t even need. It’s just too easy to charge a bunch of stuff on a credit card and you’ll really end up regretting it one the bill comes the following month!
3. Avoid Store Credit Card Offers
While we’re on the topic of credit cards, stay away from store credit cards! Stores always seem to offer some sort of perk like 20% off your first purchase which sounds really nice when you’re holiday shopping, but don’t fall for it! Store credit cards are notorious for having horrible interest rates so if you carry a balance, you’ll end up paying a lot more than you would with other credit cards in the end.
4. Keep Your Receipts
No one knows what tomorrow or any other day will bring so be sure to keep the receipts for all of your purchases. You never know if you’ll find a better deal somewhere else or if you’ll need to return or exchange a faulty item down the line. Ensure that you get a proper refund or exchange by keeping your receipts so you have your proof of purchase.
5. Check Store Policies
When you’re in the middle of all of the Black Friday madness, it’s going to be too busy and crazy to keep track of store policies so check early. Since you already have a list of what you’re buying, you probably have an idea of where you’ll be shopping so check out the return and exchange policies so you know what their policies such as returns, exchanges, and if there are restocking fees are ahead of time.
6. Don’t Be Fooled by Fancy Ads
Keep in mind that Black Friday ads are made to make you think you’re getting a once in a lifetime deal and try to get your emotions involved. Don’t let it get to you! Remember that these ads are meant to pull you in so stay strong! Stick to your list and your spending limit and you’ll end up coming out the winner. Look past the clever marketing strategies and focus on your shopping goals!
7. Read the Fine Print
With all the commotion going on around you while you’re shopping you might not be thinking about reading the fine print on all the deals, but if you’re trying to save money, it’s a must. For example, if your Black Friday goal is to buy a big ticket item like a 50-inch TV, make sure you read the entire ad. The heavily discounted items aren’t always the best and most coveted so it might not even offer the particular features you want. If you end up buying a cheap TV that doesn’t have the bells and whistles you were hoping for, no one wins but the store!
Those are our spending tips when it comes to saving on Black Friday. Are you an experienced Black Friday shopper? What tips would you share with us and fellow readers on how to get the most bang for your buck that day?