7 Mistakes to Avoid While Interning for a Company ...

Corina Jul 4, 2014

There are quite a few mistakes to avoid while interning for a company. An internship is an amazing learning experience since it can help you acquire the skills and the knowledge you need to be successful in your field. An internship will also give you a chance to include relevant experience on your resume, help you network with professionals in your field and help you advance in your career. It’s important to make a good impression, since some of those internships can turn into a full-time job after graduation. Here are a few mistakes to avoid while interning for a company:

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1. Taking the Internship Too Casually

One of the most important mistakes to avoid while interning for a company is taking that internship too casually. Just try to be a good professional and make sure that you take that career opportunity seriously. Do your best work, because you live in a very competitive world and if you don’t take advantage of this chance to prove your worth, someone else will.

2. Poor Time Management Skills

While interning, make sure you work on your time management skills, so that you’ll make a good impression on your bosses. Don’t be late to work, don’t take breaks that are too long and try to adhere closely to the rules and regulations of your employer. Learn to prioritize your time when it comes to completing projects and always act in a professional way.

3. Not Learning the Office Culture

Individuality and authenticity are traits everyone should possess but when it comes to your workplace, you should always adhere to the office culture. Try to learn that company’s values, stand up for what you believe in but consider adapting yourself, so that you’ll be able to fit in and become a valuable member of that organization.

4. Not Establishing Important Relationships

One of the most important things you should do while interning for a company is to meet as many people as possible and to establish a lot of useful connections, because you never know when you may need a recommendation. The ability to establish key relationships while you’re interning will be very useful to you, since this way, you will be able to learn all there is to know about that company.

5. Not Asking for Feedback

Not asking for feedback from their supervisor is another mistake most students make while interning for a company. Getting feedback and constructive criticism from your mentor, from your supervisor or even from your co-workers will help you become better at what you do. This way, you will have the information you need to improve your performance and you will become a good and valuable worker.

6. Not Taking Advantage of the Resources Available

Internships will provide you an amazing opportunity to learn all there is to know on how to do your job in a more professional way. Read professional journals, attend professional meetings and courses or conferences and do everything you can to improve your work performance. Take advantage of all the resources available and learn as much as you can, so you’ll be able to prove your bosses that you are a valuable employee.

7. Avoiding Menial Tasks

Menial tasks can be frustrating and boring sometimes, but then again, everybody has something they hate about their job. Try to do all those menial tasks cheerfully and enthusiastically, take pride in what you do, because this way you will gain your employers’ confidence and show them that you have a good work ethic.

There are a lot of mistakes people make while interning for a company that sometimes can even cost them a job offer. The good news is that these mistakes can be avoided with a bit of hard work and dedication. Do you know any other mistakes someone should avoid while interning for a company? Do tell!

Sources: internships.about.com

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