7 Tips to Impress Your Potential Employer Right from the First Interview ...


I’m sure that you will agree that it’s always useful to keep in mind a few simple tips to impress your potential employer whenever you’re going to a job interview, and especially if it's for your dream job. You wouldn’t wanna mess up! Job interviews can be really stressful sometimes, so that’s why I hope I will be helpful by proving you with a few tips to impress your potential employer that will make that experience much easier and more pleasant. So, here goes...

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1. Offer a Firm Handshake

One of the most important and most simple tips to impress your potential employer from the very beginning is by offering a firm handshake. I’m talking about a firm grip, not very strong and not a flimsy or sweaty one either. The lack of firmness in a handshake can show a lack of self-confidence and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t wanna show that to your future boss. So, go, work on your handshake and illustrate your confidence by starting the interview on the right note.

2. Be Relaxed and Smile!

During an interview, no matter how stressful it may get, you should never ever forget to smile and also, you should try to constantly relax and calm down. By smiling more often, you will feel better about yourself and you will be more confident. By feeling tense, you will pass that feeling on to the other person and the atmosphere will be uncomfortable for the both of you. Just take a deep breath and relax! You will see that nothing can go wrong!

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3. Be Enthusiastic!

You should always keep a positive attitude towards pretty much everything and especially during a job interview. People tend to move away from someone who constantly has a negative attitude towards everything and you should keep that in mind. No matter how upset or stressed you may feel at that moment, remember to stay positive and show enthusiasm and you’ll surely get the job. Just be memorable!

4. Find out More about the Job and the Company

Before going to an interview you should do a little research about the company and about the job they offer in order to be prepared for any tricky questions you may receive. By doing some research and by being informed regarding the company and their line of work, you will definitely impress your potential employer right from the first interview.

5. Ask Questions

I believe that nothing impresses a recruiter more than the candidate’s ability to ask concise questions about the job he applied for. It shows that she did he research, that she is very professional, responsible and hard working. Don’t be shy, your potential employer won’t mind if you have some questions of your own about the job. Don’t worry, you won’t bother him! On the contrary, he will surely be impressed.

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6. Pay Attention to What You’re Wearing

At every first interview you go on, you must always make an amazing first impression and that’s why you should pay very close attention to what you’re wearing on that occasion. I’m sure that you want to convey seriousness, responsibility and also offer glimpse of the real you. You can do this by wearing some work appropriate clothes, a light make-up and a casual hairstyle and can still be yourself by looking professional!

8. Look Him/ Her in the Eyes

It’s very important to establish eye contact in order to make a good first impression every single time. If you’re paying attention to other things or if you look away because you’re a bit shy, the man or woman standing in front of you could think that you lack confidence or that you’re not that interested in what he or she is saying. On the other hand, don’t stare; just make sure your eyes meet the recruiter’s occasionally.

I always found the recruiting process to be very stressful and that’s because I’ve always been quite shy, but I’ve worked on that, and I managed to get a hold on my emotions in order to make a wonderful first impression every single time. It did take some effort on my behalf but it was worth it. So, that’s why I believe that especially on a job interview it’s extremely important not to let your emotions get in the away. Have you had any troubles impressing your potential employer? What other tips on making a great first impression on a job interview do you know? Do tell!

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