7 Tips to Re-do Your Baby's Nursery on a Dime ...


7 Tips to Re-do Your Baby's Nursery on a Dime ...
7 Tips to Re-do Your Baby's Nursery on a Dime ...

Looking to redo your baby’s nursery? Fixing up a baby’s room can quickly get expensive, but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be. Baby’s rooms don’t need to be super fancy or stylish, they just need to be functional. You can still make your baby’s nursery look cute though! Read on to learn a few tips to redo your baby’s nursery on a dime!

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1. Re-paint Furniture

An easy way to redo your baby’s nursery without spending too much is to re-paint the furniture! It will immediately change up the look of the room, especially if you choose a color that is opposite the current color. Don’t forget, you can accent with a bright or pastel color if you choose a neutral as your base color! And always check to make sure the paint you use is safe for a baby’s room!

2. Create a Fun Design

Tired of plain white walls? Ready to jazz it up a bit? Use stencils to create a fun design! It’s cost-effective and simple. You could also opt to use sponges to put some unique patterns on the wall. An even easier option would be peel-off wall decals! You can find them in most drugstores in the kid’s section.

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3. Don’t Go All out

Remember, a nursery is for a baby. That means that he or she isn’t going to notice or care what the room looks like for at least the first 3 years. Don’t feel the need to spend inordinate amounts of money on nursery décor! Choose one or two items to splurge on, and use those as your center attractions. Everything else should be simple and inexpensive!

4. Consider What is Important

Your baby doesn’t need a $400 antique dresser. But it might be nice to invest in a comfortable rocking chair, especially if you breastfeed or rock your baby to sleep each night! Decide which items you can opt not to buy or go a cheaper route on. This tip will make re-doing your baby’s nursery much more cost effective and streamline the process!

5. Get Creative with Fabric Scraps

If you’re handy with a sewing machine, why not use some of those fabric scraps you have lying around to whip up some new curtains or a new tablecloth? If you don’t know how to sew, then you can still use fabric scraps to create something cute. Grab a foam wreath form, and cut your cloth into strips. Wind it around the wreath until all the foam is covered. Now embellish the wreath with items of your choice, and you have a cute piece of new décor for your baby’s nursery!

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6. Make a “Chalkboard” Wall

You’ve heard of accent walls, right? Well, how about a chalkboard wall! Grab some chalkboard paint and use it to paint one wall of the nursery. Now you can draw cute designs on there as often as you want, and when your child gets older, it will be a place where he or she can release some inner creativity!

7. Use Hand-Me-Downs

Don’t be afraid to accept hand-me-downs from friends. If you’re tired of the crib set your baby has, or if you would like a new rug for the nursery floor, using hand-me-downs is a great way to try out a new design or color! Check secondhand and thrift stores for good deals too. Just make sure to wash any purchases prior to use.

Chances are, you spend quite a lot of time in your child’s nursery. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change the nursery just because you are bored of looking at the same thing all day! With these tips, you can keep the cost well under-budget. As your child gets older, he or she can choose a new décor plan for their nursery more suited to personal tastes. What are your tips for re-doing a nursery on a dime?

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