When you're first starting out in a new company, every little thing that you do can make a big difference in how successful you can become, so here are a few very helpful ways to stand out in a new job. It’s not that hard to start your new job on the right foot. Just try to exude confidence and work in harmony and you’ll surely rock your role from day one. Make sure that you don’t let unfamiliar aspects of your job derail your confidence, and just keep in mind the fact that the company chose you for a reason. Do everything you can to differentiate yourself from the average employee and truly excel at work. Have confidence, stay cool under pressure and strive for goals despite any setbacks. Here are 7 ways to stand out in a new job that you should consider:
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1. Believe in Yourself
If you are looking for new ways to stand out in a new job, you should know that the most important thing that will guarantee your success is believing in yourself. Just have faith in your abilities and don’t let the unfamiliar surroundings, customs and people at your new job prevent you from knowing your strengths. Make sure you are confident and not cocky, look people in the eye, stand and sit tall and speak with a strong voice.
2. Work in Harmony
In every workplace, teamwork and collaboration are the norm, so try to work in harmony with your colleagues. Communicate openly, establish trust and always be accountable for the work assigned to you. Be friendly and nice to everyone around you and stay away from any conflict that could jeopardize your career.
3. Understand the Culture
In order to stand out in your new job, you should try to take some time to get to know that company’s culture first. Just schedule meetings with your team or with any other co-workers and ask them questions about how they do their work or how difficult or easy it is for them to implement new ideas and initiatives.
4. Show Commitment
If you want to make a good first impression at your new workplace, then the best thing you can do is to show your boss and your co-workers that you are committed to growing your career. Even if you don't know too much about the career paths available there, talk about your dreams and aspirations and tell others about your desires to advance and grow.
5. Surpass Your Boss’s Expectations
First, you should try to find out what your boss wants from you and then simply find ways to surpass their expectations. Show them that you are willing to be guided but at the same time, try to understand the value of self-sufficiency. Only approach your boss with a problem if you’ve explored all the options for resolving it yourself and you still haven’t found a solution.
6. Take the Extra Step to Help Someone
If one of your new colleagues comes to you for help, then take that extra step to help them solve their problem. Even if you don’t know the answer to their request, make it your business to find it. Do everything you can to ensure that your department or your company is perceived in a positive light. This way, you will be perceived as a true team player.
7. Subtly Promote Your Achievements
Be proud of your achievements and subtly promote them. Just try to make those achievements more visible and emphasize your passion when you describe how you managed to reach one of your goals. This way, you won’t be perceived as arrogant or boastful because people will think that you’re just excited about it.
There are a lot of things you can do to stand out in a new job. I just mentioned a few in this little article but I’m sure that there are many more I could add to this list. Do you know any other helpful ways to stand out in a new job? Please tell us about them in the comments section!
Sources: money.usnews.com, careerealism.com, career-advice.monster.com, quickbase.intuit.com
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