Brilliant Tips for Selling Your Stuff Online for Girls Who Need Extra Cash Fast ...


I’ve been making money by selling my stuff online for a number of years now. It’s an easy and fast way to make a little extra cash and clear out things you don’t need or want! However, getting started can be a process, especially if you’re new to the online selling game. Here are some very insightful tips I’ve learned along the way. I hope these tips help you and get you started to a successful “business” of selling your unnecessary items!

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1. Don’t Try to Sell Junk or Cheap, Broken, Dirty Items

No one is going to pay you for items that have pieces missing, don’t work right, or have stains, tears, etc. so don’t waste your time trying to sell board games with half the pieces gone or faded old t-shirts. Instead, focus on items that are in good condition, in popular demand, expensive things that you can sell at a slightly lower price than retail, or hard-to-find items. The one exception to this rule is if you have something of some value that just needs TLC, then you can include that in the description and offer a hard to refuse price!

2. Make Sure You Take Multiple Good Quality Photos to Include in Your Description

To avoid answering a bunch of questions or arranging a meeting with a potential buyer only to have them walk away from the sale having wasted your time, include lots of photos. Try to capture the true color of an item in natural lighting, note any flaws, take pictures from different angles to show all points of interest, and, of course, photograph any tags to show brands.

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3. Be Honest and UPFRONT about Details, Flaws, and Anything of Interest to a Potential Buyer

There are several things you should always include in a post out of courtesy and to make sure you have a satisfied buyer. Satisfied buyer = possible return business as well as a good review! So remember to include things like flaws, missing parts, whether you have pets in your home or whether or not you smoke in your home, and if the item has been in storage or needs some extra TLC.

4. Join and Post in Lots of Online Groups for Better Business and Ratings and Sellers Luck

The more groups you are in, the better your chance of ratings and sales going up! I like to join Facebook groups since you don’t pay a fee like you do with eBay or Amazon. To boost your sales, post new items often and bump old ones once a week. Don’t be too excessive, though, which can get annoying. If you aren’t having luck selling the items you have, try another group or try posting different items. Pay attention to what seems to sell quickly in the group. And always note if something is posted in more than one group.

5. Always Leave Feedback if You Would like Feedback in Return

If you’d like someone to leave you a good review, do the same for them! This goes for any group you buy or sell on. I suggest using your eBay account occasionally since you can usually reference eBay as a place for credible feedback in a new group.

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6. Be Aware and Cautious when It Comes to Making Arrangements for Picking up Bought and Sold Items

If you’re meeting someone in person to arrange a sale, follow common sense rules! I rarely invite someone to my house unless it’s a big item or I know the person well. Meeting in a public place is a good rule of thumb. Always tell someone where you are meeting, the person’s name, and when you expect to get back. Or take someone with you! This isn’t distasteful or untrusting, it is just common sense and safety measures!

7. Purchase Insurance and Always save Proof of Shipment when Mailing Packages

If you prefer to send items through the mail, there are a few measures to take for protection here as well. Always purchase insurance on expensive or valuable items. This protects YOU since the preference goes to the buyer if you have used PayPal or if the buyer files a claim with the PO. Save proof of shipping until the buyer receives the item and is happy with their purchase. Always package items well and safely, and don’t mail hazardous or illegal items. Learn the smartest shipping options for your budget, so you’re never overpaying for shipping and handling.

8. Don’t Try to “sales Pitch” or Sweet Talk a Potential Buyer

If there is one thing that turns me off from a sale, it is when a buyer starts telling me how wonderful the item is and how I really need it. Don’t pitch your item. Include necessary details and then let it sell itself! Buyers can already see if something is “adorable” or “very handy” and most likely they want it without being pushed into the sale.

9. Be Courteous, Honest, Polite, and Understanding in All Your Dealings but Don’t Be a Doormat

Always refrain from being ugly if a sale goes downhill. Leave honest feedback, report to an admin if necessary, and move on. Be understanding that other people have a schedule too and sometimes emergencies come up. Try to go in line of who was interested first to stay fair. Follow group rules for harmony. But never be walked on or talked down from your asking price if you don’t want to lower it! Stand up for yourself if false accusations come your way.

If you enjoyed this article, please let me know in the comments below! I love hearing from my readers. If you have additional comments or tips that you’ve learned while selling online, please do share your experience. Have a fabulous day!

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge


Very great points. I well stuff on eBay and I am always honest and it works in my favour.

Sites plz

Thank you for your article. It was helpful!

Great idea! Thank you.

Number 3 is so true; if you arent honest some people would sue you!

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