7 Tips for Ethical Shopping at the Supermarket ...


Ethical shopping at the supermarket is all about being aware and making the best decisions for animals, the planet, and others around you. It can also be done on a budget and doesn’t have to be intimidating at all. Start small with these tips for ethical shopping at the supermarket and you'll make a huge difference in more ways than you could imagine. Remember to vote with your dollars and what you put on your plate!

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1. Buy Local

Buying local is one of the number one ways to practice ethical shopping at the supermarket. Cucumbers that came all the way from Mexico cost much more than those that came from a county in your state or a nearby farm. Do what you can do buy from local vendors or at least those within your home state. Not only does it help the economy and the planet by reducing waste and gas emissions, but also ensures your food is more nutritious and fresher as well.

2. Buy Less Meat

Meat is the number one worst thing for the environment in terms of our food supply. Water, land supply, feed, production for feed, toxic air chemicals, and chemicals used in farming all deplete our planet’s land and water supply, emit greenhouse gases into the air,and kill millions of animals every single minute. Opt for Meatless Mondays or choose to only have meat once a day if you're not ready to give it up more than that.

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3. Buy More Plants

Eating more plants doesn’t mean you’re just eating less meat, but it also means you’re contributing to a more ethical cause. You’re promoting good stewardship of the earth, feeding your body the nutrients it needs, providing farmers a healthy income, and you’re reducing waste in just about every way possible.

4. Look for Eco-friendly

Eco-friendly seals are on everything from plastic water containers to containers of dish detergent. Whenever you see something that’s eco-friendly, make room in your wallet to purchase these products over name brand items. (Many are actually lower in cost than brand names anyway.) A eco-friendly seal or label ensures the product isn’t harmful to the environment and it’s lower in production costs overall.

5. Opt for Paper, Not Plastic

This is one simple way everyone can make a more ethical choice for our landfills. Opt for paper, not plastic bags at the store and do your best to reuse them or recycle them once you get home.

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6. Look for the Cruelty- Free Seal

If you’re a vegan or just care about animals, looking for the cruelty-free label or seal on beauty, home, and bath products is a great way to ensure products weren’t tested on animals. Animals are often born just for testing purposes of these items, only to be killed directly after. Save a life and buy cruelty-free. Even major cosmetic brands like MAC are cruelty-free, along with Whole Foods 364 brand, Alba, and Yes-To brand, just to name a few.

7. Shop Fair-Trade

Fair-trade certified ensures that workers who produced the food weren’t subjected to slavery, were provided fair wages, and were provided a healthy land to live in where they produce the food. Any time you purchase fair-trade you can be assured you’re not only buying something smart for the environment but also something that’s good for others out there too.

Take small steps here and there wherever you can to make more ethical choices. If everyone did just three of these every week, we could possibly change the world we live in for good. Do you participate in any of these tips for ethical shopping?

Source: peta.org, wholefoodsmarkets.com, ethicalconsumer.org

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

1) There is nothing wrong with eating meat. Eating lean meats is beneficial, health wise. An eating free range is good for the earth. 2) People should be advised to use cloth, reusable bags. Not paper or plastic. And if you get paper or plastic, bring it back to the store recycle bin.

I laugh when people recommend using paper bags rather than plastic. Paper is more resource and energy consuming than plastic, plus some stores are starting to use biodegradable bags, which are far better overall.

MAC is not cruelty free! They test on animals when required by law.

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