7 Tips to Help Launch Your Career ...


If you just joined a new organization and you’re new in your workplace but you want to make a good impression, here are a few very helpful tips to launch your career. The first thing you should do is to establish yourself as a contributor with potential so you’ll catch your bosses’ attention. If you want to be a high performance contributor, just follow these next suggestions and you’ll become indispensable in your workplace. Here are a few very helpful tips to launch your career that you should consider:

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1. Work with a Sense of Urgency

One of the most important things you should do if you want to launch your career is to make sure that you always work with a sense of urgency. Many experts say that high performing employees need to build a “clear and present” road map and they also focus on their tasks. They get up early in the morning, they make a plan and then they simply do everything in their power to accomplish all their goals.

2. Strive to Be Industry Savvy

Always strive to be industry savvy because keeping up with the latest trends in the industry you work in is essential if you want to succeed in your career. You can read all kinds of materials that will help you stay up-to-date with the novelties in your field or you can sign up for all sorts of seminars and courses that will help you become better at what you do.

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3. Take a Broader View of Your Work

When you complete an assigned project, try not to simply check off that task on your schedule. Try to focus on the end-user, whether it is one of your colleagues or an outside client, and think about how your work can impact them. Just take a moment and consider “the bigger picture” and think about how you can craft your work so it will become more valuable to the people you work with.

4. Know Your Co-Workers

If you’re new in that company, try to become a respected and productive team member. You can achieve that by getting to know your co-workers better, because experts say that you’ll be more invested in your team if you will learn the backgrounds of your team members. Don’t “turn off” opposing opinions, make sure that you know the source first.

5. Be a Leader

Don’t hide in the shadows because it’s a very competitive market out there. If you want to be successful at what you do, then you need to stand out, to become a leader. Get out of your comfort zone and hone your professionalism and attitude. Strive to become the best at what you do and don’t be afraid to fail because failure is the best teacher you’ll ever have.

6. Focus on One Task at a Time

Avoid multi-tasking because even if you think that this habit will help you become more successful, in the long term, it can affect the quality of your work. Just dedicate your time and energy to one project or task at a time and move to another one only when you finished doing the first one.

7. Don’t Play the Career Comparison Game

Since career progress is a highly individual process, make sure that you avoid playing the career comparison game. Even though it can be frustrating when one of your colleagues climbs the career ladder quicker than you, keep in mind that you can do that too and don’t “abandon ship.” Believe in yourself and trust your abilities!

Launching your career can seem quite overwhelming at first but if you persevere, you will manage to reach your goals in no time. Do you know any other tips to help launch your career? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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Wonderful article ☺️

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