7 Alternative Ways to Make Money ...


7 Alternative Ways to Make Money ...
7 Alternative Ways to Make Money ...

If you’ve just handed in your resignation letter or graduated from college, you might be wondering how to make money. As someone who recently quit her steady 9 to 5 job, the mere thought of paying the bills sent me into a finance frenzy. Soon after, however, I discovered that there are myriad ways to bring in cash without being confined to a desk all week long (which I hated). With these 7 tips on how to make money, you’ll line your pockets and fill your schedule –selling organs not necessary.

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Freelance Write

If you had asked me how to make money a couple of years ago, I would have never guessed that blogging could pay (some of) the bills. But lo and behold, it certainly can! To acquire good clips, I started up my own blog on Tumblr. I whipped up stories on the latest and greatest fashion trends, beauty products, and more. Soon after, I began applying for blogging positions listed on Craigslist and pitching story ideas to my favorite websites. While writing probably won’t make you rich, it’s worth it, especially for recent grads.


Start Your Own Blog

I’ve encountered more than one successful, happy woman who left her corporate job for the world of blogging. Using affiliate links, you can create content that earns you green. A very helpful 101 on affiliate links (what they are, how to use them, etc.) can be found here: ohamanda.com. Just be sure that you’re ready to make a time-consuming commitment: Blogs should be regularly updated, original, thought-provoking, creative, and more. If it’s something you don’t believe will stick, try guest blogging or freelancing first.



Many people equate intern with temporary slave/coffee-fetcher. However, this is often a misconception. If you’re a recent college grad or soon-to-be grad and have some experience under your belt, search for paid internships on Craigslist, Indeed, or Google Search. I’m preparing to start a writing internship with a start-up political website. Not only is my boss personable, but she also understands my need for a flexible schedule. Oh, and the checks in the mail are great, too!



Temp jobs have their benefits. For example, if you get stuck with a crazy boss, you’re leaving soon anyway. But if you happen to love the company, you’re getting your foot in the door –and they might even ask you to stay on! Check out Craigslist for postings (they list everything from card writing gigs to run-of-the-mill admin work). Alternatively, you can sign up to become a TaskRabbit on taskrabbit.com. These guys and gals help locals out with various chores like shopping, cleaning, and putting together furniture, all for pay.


Sell, Sell, Sell

Chances are, you have at least a handful of old Coach bags or vintage frocks that are just waiting to be sold on eBay! If you have time on your hands, earn a few extra bucks by getting rid of your old stuff. Or, if you can cook up a mean cheesecake or craft gorgeous bracelets, consider selling your services to friends, relatives, and the folks on Etsy. Cold hard cash is just a few clicks away!

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Put your degree to good use with a work-from-home tutoring gig at tutor.com. If you love kids, drop your resume off at local tutoring centers or post flyers offering services.


Get a Roommate

If you’re currently footing the rent for that studio or one-bedroom apartment, consider sharing your space with a good friend or trustworthy acquaintance. Click on nolo.com for tips on securing landlord approval. After I began splitting the rent with my significant other, I had much more cash to blow, making me a very happy tenant.

These are 7 of my tried and true ways to make money. Which tips will you follow? Do you have any of your own to add?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is great, I've been looking for some ways to make money online since I can't find a job and finished my temp job. This was really helpful, thanks!

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