Here's What It's like to Live Paycheck to Paycheck ...

Lyndsie May 30, 2019

Living paycheck to paycheck is so hard. I've done it for a very, very long time and just this year, I've gotten a handle of my expenses. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you'll totally relate to the below! Trust me. The struggle is real.

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1. Oops, Can't Buy That, Too Expensive

Oops, Can't Buy That, Too Expensive Happens all the effing time.

2. When You Create a Spreadsheet of Your Bills

When You Create a Spreadsheet of Your Bills … and almost die because of how many there are.

3. You Try to Budget

You Try to Budget But everything is so damn expensive.

4. You Scrutinize Every Penny

You Scrutinize Every Penny Because, you want to make sure you aren't choosing between gas and food for the week.

5. Your Hair Sometimes Looks Faded …

Your Hair Sometimes Looks Faded … Because dye is expensive and getting it done professionally? Eff that. WAY too expensive.

6. Sometimes, You Have to Buy the Cheapest Makeup

Sometimes, You Have to Buy the Cheapest Makeup But you work it no matter what!

7. You Get Real, Real Inventive with Home Décor

You Get Real, Real Inventive with Home Décor You have to, have the time, you can't afford anything.

8. Vacations Consist of a Road Trip Somewhere

Vacations Consist of a Road Trip Somewhere Which isn't a bad thing.

9. You Pay off One Credit Card at a Time

Eyewear, Glasses, Long hair, Brown hair, Vision care, The rest of the cards, you pay the minimum.

10. You Get Real Excited for Payday

You Get Real Excited for Payday

11. You Love, Love Tax Time

You Love, Love Tax Time Unless you are a freelancer, than you HATE tax time.

12. You Get Really Inventive with Your Food Too

You Get Really Inventive with Your Food Too Well, you try not to waste any food and you try to use all of your leftovers.

13. You Have to Limit the Times You Get Takeout

You Have to Limit the Times You Get Takeout So, you get what you want when it is takeout day. Pizza? Hell no, Outback.

14. You've Already Canceled Cable – and Live off of Netflix

You've Already Canceled Cable – and Live off of Netflix You gotta do what you gotta do.

15. New Clothes? Luxury

New Clothes? Luxury Seriously. A luxury.

16. When a Baby Shower or Wedding Shower Rolls around?

When a Baby Shower or Wedding Shower Rolls around? You have to save up – or really think about using your credit card.

17. You Work to Live, Not Live to Work

You Work to Live, Not Live to Work Most days, you are just really working to support yourself, not loving what you are doing.

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