7 Things You Can do to Become More Hireable ...


If you’re looking for ways to become more hireable, there are several things you can do to succeed. Unemployment can be a stressful, frustrating experience. And after months of searching for a job, you might give up or settle for any job. However, the perfect job is out there — although it might take a while to get that first interview. Fortunately, there's plenty you can do to move your resume to the top of the pile. Here’s a look at seven ways to become more hireable.

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I’ve always heard that it’s easier to get a job when you're already working. I don't know if there’s truth behind the statement. But if there is, volunteering with a local organization might help you become more hireable. Options include the hospital, the library or a local charity. You can also look for unpaid internships if you're thinking about a career move. This not only shows that you're actively working, it might lead to a paid job offer.


Keep Skills Current

With so many job applicants and very few opportunities, it is important that you keep your skills current. For this matter, stay on top of the latest software and programs related to your field. Take advantage of free or inexpensive online tutorials, sign up for workshops and read books related to your field.


Build an Online Presence

Not all companies advertise job openings, and some recruiters head online to find suitable candidates. Therefore, it is important that you build a professional online presence. For example, you can blog about your experience looking for a job; update your LinkedIn profile; or create a website showcasing your best work.


Clean up Your Social Media Accounts

You might be surprised at the number of employers who look at social media accounts before making a hiring decision. It is imperative that you maintain a professional image in and outside the office. If there are any photos of you online drinking, partying or doing illegal activities, remove these immediately. Additionally, ask friends to remove questionable photos of you.


Practice Interview Scenarios

Getting a call for an interview doesn't guarantee a position. Your skills and experience might get your foot in the door, but it's how you conduct yourself on the interview that matters. If your interview skills are less than perfect, get with a friend and practice. This person can ask common interview questions, and you can prepare thorough, professional responses. Remember, the interview is where the employer decides whether you'll mesh with the company culture.

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Change Your Email Address

Professional email address can make a world of difference. If your email address is hotmama1976@gmail.com, don’t use this address when applying for jobs. Get a new email address that showcases your professionalism, perhaps an email account that incorporates your name, such as marylsmith@gmail.com.


Adjust Your Salary Requirements

Everyone wants to get paid their worth but if opportunities in your salary range are few, it's time to adjust your requirements. Carefully review your finances and determine the minimum salary you need to survive each month, and then look for jobs within this salary range.

Nowadays, it can take six to 12 months to find a suitable job. It’s a tough road. However, if you learn ways to become more hireable, you might land a job sooner.

What additional tips can you offer?

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