11 Tips for Saving Money before Christmas ...

Ellie Nov 14, 2014

I wanted to write a post sharing some tips for saving money before Christmas because, since moving out of my parents' house and into London, money has been tight and I worried about finding the money for presents this year. I, like most people my age (I'm 23), don't have a huge amount of disposable income. Once I've paid my rent, travel costs and bills, I don't have very much left at all - and that has to pay for my food and, hopefully, allow me to have a little bit of a life. I've spent the last few months scrimping and saving but still having a good time, so here are some tips for saving money before Christmas that I've been using.

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1. Ebay

This is at the top of my list of tips for saving money before Christmas because it's how I've saved most of my present money. After a friend told me how much money she's made from it, I decided to give it a go - and I'm a total convert. It'll take a little bit of your time but I've made a substantial amount of money from things I would have just chucked away otherwise. You probably have cupboards full of clothes, shoes, old coats and unwanted gifts so put them on eBay and see what you get.

2. No Credit Card

I don't have a credit card and I don't plan on getting one for the foreseeable future. I can see why they're useful - if you have an unexpected big expense one month - but more often than not, people I know use them for that pair of shoes they really want but can't afford, or a designer handbag. Just don't have one in the first place - what's the point in putting yourself in the way of temptation?

3. Meal Plans

I've saved so much money by planning what I'll have for dinner every day. Ok, so it's a bit of pain at first but soon it'll just be like routine - half an hour or so on a Sunday spent choosing your lunches and dinners for the week. I eat pretty well, considerably cheaply and I throw very little food away.

4. Eating out

Even if you don't have very much money, we all like to go out sometimes. Who wants to cook every single night? You can still go out, but choose your restaurant carefully. Follow food blogs for the best cheap eats, look for special occasions or set dinners where you can get dinner for half the price it would normally cost you and go to street food fairs.

5. Saying No

This is the hardest thing to learn and it doesn't really get any easier, but it's necessary. If your friends have more money than you, you'll naturally want to do the same things as them but might not be able to. You can't keep up without getting yourself into trouble so bite the bullet and be honest - real friends will work around it.

6. Supermarket Crawls

Ahh, the old supermarket crawls. If you go after work, a lot of the fresh food will be reduced and you can find some great bargains. Good especially for more expensive meat and seafood because you can freeze it for later use.

7. DIY

I want a studded jacket; I want strappy sandals with a fur trim. I'm can't afford them, but I can make them. There's so many good DIY blogs out there now, covering everything from fashion to interiors. Ok, so you can't make everything - but you'll be surprised at what you can.

8. Smart Holidays

Not having very much money doesn't mean you can't ever go on holiday. I've had amazing holidays this year and they've all been relatively cheap. Be adventurous, look past the usual holiday destinations and use websites to find the cheapest flights. After that, do loads of research to find the cheapest and best places to stay/eat whilst you're there - travel blogs are free and brilliant.

9. Get Fit

Forget expensive gym memberships or pricey swimming pools - run, walk or cycle your way to and from work. You'll get fit and save a small fortune on travel.

10. Everything in Moderation

If you smoke, stop. It's ridiculously expensive and a disgusting habit so that's the first thing you need to do. I drink, but I try to do so in moderation because it really is so expensive. Since I've cut back, I've also felt a lot better in myself.

11. Secret Talents

Have you got any hidden talents? Sewing, baking, tutoring of some kind? Those are all great ways of earning some extra money. Get paid for doing something you really love.

Hopefully those tips will help you get on track and save some money for Christmas! I've saved for all my presents this year by selling stuff on eBay. Do you have any money-saving tips I could use?

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Yes,that's trough

Great tips! Thanks 😊

Another way is to shop at thrift stores. The one I volunteer has shirts that cost $6 instead of $30+ and also has useful kitchen items all low cost that even those who are young like the writer and myself can afford.

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