Peer pressure spending is something which, sadly, many of us fall prey to. The pressure of feeling like we are being cheap, or the boring ones of a friendship group is never nice, and often results in peer pressure spending that we can ill-afford. There are some very handy ways for you to make sure that peer pressure spending is a thing of the past; read on to discover ways to say no to spending money when with friends and entirely avoid peer pressure spending!
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1. Change the Plans
Rather than just saying no to plans which friends make, you can avoid pressure from friends to spend by suggesting a change to a plan rather than completely avoiding it altogether. If you are invited out for dinner, say that you’d rather do lunch instead – lunch is generally a lot cheaper than dinner! By changing plans, not only will you keep your friends satisfied, but you can save money as well, and avoid peer pressure spending.
2. Say You Are on a Budget
Nobody wants to feel like they are pressuring someone into spending more than they can afford, so one of the best ways to say no to something you can’t afford is simply to tell your friends that you are sticking closely to a budget. The majority of the time, people will understand that you don’t quite have the money to spend, especially in this economic climate. You don't necessarily need to draw out attention to your fixed income, but pointing out the fact that you can't spend any more than X amount will keep you from going over your limit, and your friends will be understanding.
3. Turn down Invitations
If changing plans won’t work – or you really don’t have the money to go out at all – don’t feel like you can’t turn down an invitation from friends. Don’t worry about being seen as a party-pooper or spoil-sport; it’s much better to go out less often and save money, than to spend money you don’t have. Real friends will understand. If you must offer an excuse, try to make it legitimate. And make sure to take part next time you're invited so your friends don't start to leave you out.
4. I’ve Already Eaten!
A classic way of avoiding lunch or dinner invitations is to say that you have already eaten, but will go out for a chat nonetheless. You can usually just order a small salad or sandwich instead of having a large meal, or else you could simply buy a drink and have a chat with friends while they eat. This way, you deflect peer pressure spending without letting anybody down.
5. Why do You Want Me There?
Sometimes people don’t want you for your money! A classic example is a friend who invites you to an at-home selling party. They most likely don’t want you there because you will spend money, but they just want you so that they have a reassuring friend with them. Why not go and have fun? Money doesn’t have to be the focus of your life if you don’t want it to be.
6. I’d Rather Not
Often times it’s just best to say that you don’t want to spend money. By saying that you’d rather not buy something or you’d rather not spend money on something, you can avoid having to say no to your friends and avoid peer pressure to spend. If you'd still like the quality time without the price, why not have your friends over to play a card game or two and visit awhile? There's an opportunity to nix peer pressure spending and enjoy an evening with your friend regardless!
Expressing a preference not to part with your hard-earned money can be empowering and often more comfortable than a flat-out refusal. Suggesting alternative low-cost activities, like organizing a potluck dinner, watching a home movie, or starting a book club can be just as fun and socially rewarding. It emphasizes the joy of companionship over consumerism and sets a positive example for money-conscious friendships. Remember, true friends will value your presence over your spending.
7. Be Honest
The real and most basic key to avoiding peer pressure spending is just to say that you are not able to afford it. Be honest with your friends and family – if your partner has just lost their job and things are a bit tight at the moment, tell them that. If you are saving for a holiday, tell them! Honesty is usually the best policy.
It isn’t always just because of a recession that we might be feeling the pinch. Some of our friends may have better salaries or other income support. Peer pressure spending can wreak havoc on more than just your wallet; it can do damage to your credit scores as well if you aren't able to cover the bill by the end of the month! There are always going to be times when you feel peer pressure to spend – including those times you can afford it but simply don’t want to. What’s the best way to turn down something you can’t afford? Just say no! Honesty will get you far in terms of avoiding spending because of peer pressure, so don’t be afraid to tell people that you just haven’t got the money. How do you avoid peer pressure spending?
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