7 Major Money Mistakes Many People Are Making ...


Nobody expects young adults to have it all together. Becoming an adult is a learning curve, so you're going to make a few mistakes along the way. But some mistakes – especially financial mistakes – are avoidable. You might have a lot to learn about being a grownup, but this doesn't mean you have to make life harder for yourself.

Here are seven money mistakes you might be making without realizing it.

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Attending Grad School Unnecessarily

As an undergrad, you might like the idea of going to grad school. In your mind, you’re opening the door to more job opportunities and a higher salary. But depending on your field and major, going to grad school might be a waste of time and money. Do your research and seriously consider whether a graduate degree will improve your job prospects. After spending an extra one or two years and thousands of dollars to get a graduate degree, you might find yourself competing for jobs with people who only have a bachelor’s.


Never Building Credit

Credit history might be the last thing on your mind as a college student. But without a credit history, it'll be harder to buy a car, get a mortgage or finance anything once you complete college. If your parents are willing to cosign – and if you can afford credit – apply for a credit card to start building your credit history. You can get a secured credit card which doesn't require a credit score or credit history. These cards do require a security deposit, but it’s much easier to get a secured card than an unsecured credit card.


Never Learning How to Use Credit

Being approved for a credit card is just the first step to building a good credit history. You also need to know how to use credit. If your parents didn't teach you credit management skills, head online and educate yourself. With any type of credit account, it's important to pay your bills on time every month, and you should only charge what you can afford. Don't get in over your head. Credit mistakes made as a young adult can follow you throughout your adult life and complicate your finances


Underestimating the Importance of Saving Money

If you're young and living at home with a job, this is the best time to start saving your money. It might be harder to build a financial cushion once you move out and start paying bills. And if you’ve already graduated college and found your first job, don't delay starting a retirement plan and contributing to a 401(k), if offered by your employer. If your employer doesn't have a 401(k) plan, speak with a banker about opening an individual retirement account.


Buying a House Too Fast

Mostly young adults dream of buying their first place. But if you buy a home too fast, you’ll make life harder for yourself. Only buy a house once you’ve found steady employment and you’re receiving consistent income. If you get a job after college, but don't plan on staying because you hate the work, this isn't the time to jump into a mortgage. Once you decide to buy a house, spend less than you can afford. This way, you’ll have disposable income for paying down student loan debt and saving an emergency fund.


Relying Too Much on Your Parents

Your parents are here to offer support and encouragement, but eventually, you’ll need to start living on your own dime. Even if your parents are more than willing to help you financially, challenge yourself and try to make it on your own. The less your parents spend supporting you, the better they can prepare for their own future.


Not Having a Budget

Some young adults hate the word budget. However, a budget is an effective spending plan for your money. It's a way to evaluate what’s coming in and what's going out. You’re less likely to overspend and end up with credit card debt.

Your personal finances won't be perfect as a young adult, but if you recognize common mistakes, you can save yourself a lot of financial heartache and pain.

What are other money mistakes young people make?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I dont completely agree with number one when it comes to myself. But otherwise this article is perfect.


Informative article. Thank you so much.

Excellent advice.

Number 1 and 5 are ridiculous. Make yourself competitive in any field you work in. Knowledge is power. And if you lead a stable lifestyle it's foolish to waste money on a rental. Besides you can't even get a decent mortgage at a decent rate if you don't have good credit.

I've made these mistakes. Kind of still making them. It's time for growth...

I wish I was more of a saver, but it's difficult living paycheck to paycheck & trying to pay off a private student loan, with high interest:(

Going to starbucks should be here tbh

Going to mall when you don't need

I do agree with all of these. Of course if you're passionate about going to school, do it. But don't do it just because you feel you need to unless it's something required for your desired career. I know my girlfriend is attending school to become a nurse, but her parents are trying to force her to get other degrees "just in case the nurse thing doesn't work out" we're in Canada so it's not as expensive, but it's still time and money that doesn't need to be spent. As for 5, most people who buy early generally have to move. You don't know how your life is going to go, and if you aren't sure what kind of family or lifestyle you will have in 30 years, buying a house is almost a waste of money. Especially if you're in Canada where the economy is so bad that unkept small bachelor apparentments are selling for more than a 5 bedroom house would have 3 years ago. I wouldnt buy till you know for sure you have a stable career and lifestyle that won't do a 180 switch or be unreliable in 10 years. Renting isn't always a bad idea, especially if you live with roommates or plan on having children someday but not yet, or you want to build credit. Buying a home means no more calling and saying the windows need replacing or a pipe burst, it means spending thousands then and there without warning. My best friend is now in debt by nearly 50 grand due to her having to remove a tree in the front yard, replace all the fences when the neighbors wanted to and deal with a burst pipe in the main bathroom, all within the same month, leaving her shower less for weeks before she could pay the bills for it because the tree had to come down or it could have fallen and crushed the house, and the neighbors had been pushing for the fence change since she moved in, and the one threatened to do it himself and send the bill into small court claims. Be smart with your money, these are good tips. But make sure you personalize it to your lifestyle and don't do something just because it's the conventional way of doing it or because everyone is telling you too.

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