One of the scariest things about Halloween is how much money ends up being spent on costumes, decorations, the candy, and not to mention the parties. And with the current global financial crisis, families are really struggling to find the money to make ends meet, and actually, do not have the money to splurge on what is actually a fun, yet rather frivolous event, especially so close to the festive season. So how can you still pull out all the stops but have an amazingly scary Halloween without breaking the budget? Here are some tips on how to save money on Halloween by being creative.
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1. How to save Money on Halloween Costumes
Not only are there other families who have costumes that their kids have outgrown, there are even websites and stores that offer a costume swopping service. Or just swap with your neighbors, family, and friends - your kids won’t actually mind a previously worn costume. You can jazz it up a bit with anything trashed or broken, which is perfect for a Halloween outfit. Grab those old sheets, broken jewelry, holey shoes, tattered scarf, and trashed hat and get the kids to come up with their own ideas – you will be amazed at how much fun they have, and how creative they can get.
2. How to save Money on Halloween Decorations
This year, do yourself a favor and stay away from the stores. If you feel you absolutely have to, then buy some cheap things online and hunt around at the thrift stores. Better yet, why not make your own; it may be time-consuming, but get the family involved. Start a few weekends before and make it a festive get together and part of the fun. But if you are really clever, this year, after Halloween, then you can hit the stores and snap up all the bargains, as much of all the Halloween gear can be up to 75% off, then you are organized for next year.
3. How to save Money on Halloween Candy
You don’t have to buy brand name candy. you may get a few little tykes that will turn their nose up at what you are handing out, but hey, it’s your money and around the corner, that disgruntled scarecrow is going to chow down on that sugary treat just the same. Also, why not take the time to hand out the candy individually yourself, and give each child one piece or the same amount. If they moan, suggest kindly that they are more than welcome to swop it with a friend or sibling. And make sure that you buy your candy in bulk and don’t get trapped in the big department stores; otherwise you are going to be left holding your wallet in pain. And don’t be afraid to use coupons, a little really does go a long way.