7 Common Cover Letter Mistakes That You Should Avoid ...

Corina Jan 2, 2015

7 Common Cover Letter Mistakes That You Should Avoid ...
7 Common Cover Letter Mistakes That You Should Avoid ...

Because one of the first things most employers notice when they evaluate an applicant is their cover letter, here are a few common cover letter mistakes that you should avoid. A good cover letter is designed to inform and keep your potential employer interested in your resume. Yet, there are some cover letters that offend, bore or even amuse (not in a good way) the people who read them. That’s why, when you decide to launch a job search, you should not only update your resume but improve your cover letter too, because this will increase your chances of getting that job that you always wanted. Every hiring manager will first assess your cover letter (and not your resume) and they will form an impression of you and your qualifications, so it’s important to take this document seriously. Here are 7 common cover letter mistakes that you should avoid:

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1. Failing to Personalize

This is one of the most common cover letter mistakes that most job applicants make. Just avoid saying “Dear Sir/ Madam,” take initiative and use the appropriate contact name. Sometimes, a quick call to that company can help you fill in that blank. This way, you will also show them that you are a resourceful individual and that you are really interested in that job.

2. Submitting a Cover Letter with Errors

Submitting a cover letter with spelling or grammar errors is a sure way to get your job application rejected. In order to avoid that, try to use spelling and grammar checking tools to identify the errors that you didn’t notice at first glance. You could also read your document out loud once you finish writing it since this is another great way to eliminate the spelling or grammar errors.

3. Sending a Generic Letter

Despite what you might think about cover letters, you shouldn’t send the same one to every employer. First, you should make sure that you mention the specific job that you are applying for and then explain how your skills and qualities will help you excel in that job. Just take some time and do some basic research and customize your cover letter before you send it to a company.

4. Starting off Weak

Just keep in mind that your opening paragraph should capture your employer’s attention, so instead of saying that “I’m applying for the customer service position,” you could use “Your need for an experienced professional is a good match for my five years of experience in sales.”

5. Underselling Your Talents

One of the most common mistakes most job seekers do is the fact that they often undersell their talents. If you want to get called for an interview, try to give your potential employer a compelling reason to do that. Always provide examples of your work and skills and show them what a valuable candidate you really are.

6. Trying to Be Witty or Humorous

Pay attention to this one because this can backfire, so stick to a business cover letter format. Use a professional, yet conversational tone, so you can be taken seriously. Use respectful phrases and words and don’t make it too long or too short since e-mailed cover letters should be limited to two paragraphs (because they should be included in the body of the e-mail), while the ones that are faxed should be three to five paragraphs.

7. Focusing Too Much on Yourself

When you write a cover letter for a specific job application, try not to focus too much on yourself. Just keep in mind that one of the main things you should do is explain how you can add value to that company.

When writing a cover letter, try to express interest for that position, provide concrete examples of your work, use an appropriate cover letter format and highlight the aspects of your resume that are relevant for that job opening. Do you know any other common cover letter mistakes that should be avoided? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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