Pro Tips on How to Find a Job in High School ...

Lydia May 18, 2018

Pro Tips on How to Find a Job in High School ...
Pro Tips on How to Find a Job in High School ...

Wondering how to find a job in high school? If you are currently a student in high school and are thinking about getting a job to bring in a little extra cash before you graduate and go on to college or the real working world, then good for you. That’s a really respectable and mature decision to make when there are some people around you who are only focused on getting laid and partying on the weekends! Something to think about is that finding a job when you are in high school can be very different from finding a job when you are a graduated adult looking for a full time situation. Allow me to make the process easier for you with a few handy tips. Here's how to find a job in high school.

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1. Don’t Be Shy

When you are looking for something part-time and weekend related, a lot of businesses don’t necessarily place those kinds of ads in the newspapers. Take the initiative and go into places to enquire if they are looking for any kind of help, you might get lucky at a place that hasn’t even posted an online description yet. It always helps to do some inquiring in person rather than waiting for online ads, because you could end up having an interview right then and there before anyone else has even got a chance! And that's one of the best answers for how to find a job in high school.

2. Look Close to Home

Start out by looking for jobs that are close to your home, because at the end of the day you are still a high school student who needs to do things like study and finish homework! You don’t want to have to have a big commute in order to make $100 a week; it will just have a negative impact on your school work, which is counterproductive.

3. Open Mind

Try to keep an open mind when you are job hunting. There are only so many coffee shops in town or bookstores that you would love to work in. Beggars can’t be choosers I’m afraid, so try to be open to all the different kinds of possibilities that weekend and part-time jobs can open up to you. Be flexible with your preferences and you will have much more success.

4. Check the Rules

Make sure that you know the legal limits and regulations when applying for part time jobs because you don’t want to be taken advantage of. Under the age of 18 you still count as a child in terms of labor laws, so make sure that any shifts and hours you are offered are in line with these rules before you accept them.

5. Working Papers

In certain states, anyone under 18 who is seeking employment needs to be in possession of official Employment/Age certificates. Without these papers, you won’t be able to get a weekend job while still in high school, so make sure that you do all of the background work to be able to start making some money!

6. Write a Resume

Don’t just show up to offer your services at a place without the appropriate gestures and papers. Hand in a resume that details your current circumstances. That way the business will know that you are only still in high school and won’t confuse your interest in them with someone who is looking for a more full-time gig.

7. Dress Appropriately

Hopefully, you find some shifts in a place that suits your personality, but you are in the process of attending interviews it is always better to dress on the sensible, conservative side. Some older people tend to get spooked or put off by an excess of youth fashion!

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