Do you ever wonder how to save money on essentials? I don’t mean make-up or food – there are always tons of offers available on those. But what if you need a new car, and want to be sure you get the best deal? And how can you save on appliances or tech goods? I’ve heard some pretty amazing tips to save money on essentials lately, so give these a try!
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1. Cars…
Need a new car? Try to hold off until the end of the month. Dealers are usually incentivized to sell a certain number of cars each month, and the bonus for doing so is usually substantial. That means you’ll find that they will offer you a much better deal – and even great incentives – if you wait to the last minute to go. If you can’t get them to budge on price (and if you are happy to pay the price they are asking), try for freebies such as complimentary servicing, a tank of fuel, free car mats, alloys… It's a truly fantastic way to save money on essentials, and even car maintenance.
2. Appliances…
Everyone needs new appliances at some point, but you could end up paying through the nose. Before this heatwave, I was eyeing up a BBQ that was $60. During the heatwave, they whacked it up to $190. Now it’s raining again, it’s been marked down to $100 – but it’s still more than it was before. For most appliances, shop around September. New models come out then, so you can get brand new and perfectly good older models for a real discount. For seasonal goods like BBQs, shop in the opposite season.
3. Jewelry…
If you are shopping for high-end jewelry, avoid the Christmas period. In the two months prior to the big day, jewelers generate around one third of their annual revenue and 99% of their profits. When business slows down again in January, prices start to drop. Shop then, and you’ll get much more for your money, and better service too.
4. TVs…
Need a new TV? Just prior to Christmas, prices tend to fall to entice people into treating themselves. Some stores can be sneaky, though, so do your research first. Look at models that you’d be interested in, and how much they cost. Then ensure that you really are getting a good deal by comparing the two prices before you buy.
5. New Computer…
Looking for a new computer? Sometimes these work like TVs, with big price drops happening just before Christmas. If you want a new model, though, you need to know what the release date is, and what prices are planned. Websites such as are ideal for revealing promotions, release dates and features, and make planning a new PC much easier. Again, make sure you know how much things cost – salespeople are always keen to tell you what an excellent deal you are getting, regardless of whether you actually are.
6. Clothing…
For clothing, it’s pretty straight forward. Don’t just hit the sales, though – most designer stores will do events throughout the year, and you could get your hands on clothing that has only been worn once, or has been used in a window display, for rock-bottom prices. Sign up for email newsletters so that you get a heads up, and make friends with the shop assistants. They may well put things behind the till for you during those manic sales.
7. Bicycles…
It seems the whole world has Olympic fever, and bikes are hugely in demand. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a great deal, though! Save money on essentials by visiting in January, just after the Christmas rush, but before the new models take over in February and March. If you buy in store, barter for extras, too – just like you would with a car. A year of free tune-ups, or a wheel check, or even some stylish cycling shorts…who knows what you could get?
I’ve loved having these tips – they are truly great ways to save money on essentials. They make it feel so easy, too! Have you found a great way to save money or get an excellent deal? I’d love to try it!
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