8 Things to Know before Your Job Interview ...

Lane Apr 22, 2014

The best first impression is possible when you learn the eight things to know before your job interview. The thought of a job interview is nightmare-inducing. It causes anxiety and self-doubt. However, if you conduct a small amount of research, you can ace it! Preparation is the key element to overall rewards. To begin without further ado, let's learn the eight things to know before your job interview.

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1. Name That Boss!

The easiest way to learn this detail among the eight things to know before your job interview is to ask. When you receive the call or email notifying you of a possible job interview, ask for the name of your prospective boss. Continue your efforts by researching him or her and learn as much as possible about them. This way, you have information to utilize during your interview. These details could help you land the job.

2. Learn the Company's Role in the Industry

You should research the company with which you have an interview. This allows you to understand your own role better, if you are hired. You discover how the job interweaves with the company and how you serve others in your community. This could prove enriching as you may assist a specific demographic such as underprivileged children or the elderly.

3. Successful Projects

Recent projects completed by your prospective employer are a hot topic during interviews. By taking the initiative to learn more about them, you gain leverage. This is a high advantage during an interview and shows that you care about the company. When utilized correctly, this is quite impressive to employers. However, use it wisely and strategically so that you do not come across as a brown noser.

4. Oh My—Oops!

The religious affiliation of a given company could present restrictions on who they can hire. In most states, this is not considered discrimination, if they are a non-profit or church-based organization. Equally, recent changes in healthcare insurance that are primarily focused on women's reproductive coverage allow companies to choose these plans based on religious beliefs. This could prevent access for you to necessary medical requirements.

5. Match Your Skill Set

The job description always includes the necessary skill set required for the job. Before your interview, you should take note of all portions of these needs that match your own experience. The hiring manager has reviewed your resume, but he or she wants you to show them why they should choose you. So, when you are asked, "Why do you feel you are a good candidate for this position?" you can highlight these facts for them.

6. Your Five-Year Plan

Again, preparation is key. A common question that interviewers love to ask prospective employees is, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" They want to know that you are ambitious, but they also need to know that you intend to stay with them. Training new staff is a costly expense for employers. This increases when there is a high turn around. Your best bet is to explain your goals within their company.

7. The Best Dressed

Familiarizing yourself with the company's dress code earns invaluable brownie points. This was to my advantage, as I was interviewing for an ultra-conservative company. Jobs within an office setting have a business-casual dress code. However, employers who are religious may frown upon plunging necklines and shorter than average skirts. Review these details and utilize them to your advantage.

8. Body Art is Art

Most employers do not have an issue with non-visible tattoos. However, large corporations or ultra-conservative companies might if there's a possibility of it peeking out around clothing. I took my own advice about tattoos. I waited until I had established myself as a writer before acquiring visible ink. While the butterfly on my right hand is beautiful—and I love it—in-office employers would frown upon it. What I perceive to be art could've become the bane of my existence in the working world.

By truly preparing yourself before your job interview, you make the best impression possible. This impression could become the reason you are hired or not. What are some faux pas you have committed on a job interview?

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