There are very few people who are really able to say that they have nothing else left to do to prepare for retirement. Getting ready to retire, putting money away and making plans, are put off until the very last minute, and sometimes it can be too late. Making comprehensive preparations for retirement is one of the most important things to do while you are still working. Here are 10 ways to ensure you are preparing for retirement.
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1. Know What You Need to Retire with
Having only a vague idea of what you need is possibly one of the worst mistakes anyone can make. Work out the figures, forecast for inflation and other high costs that should be factored in, and set goals for the twilight years. You could even approach a professional to help you out.
2. Devise a Plan and Stick to It
Having a hard and fast retirement plan in place, is only half the battle. Sticking to it can be a little tricky, especially when there is something you really want to have or buy. The urge to pay less into the pension plan that month, or to draw out of the pension plan can be overpowering at times. Stick to your guns, you will reap the benefits down the line.
3. Diversify Your Risk
Not putting your eggs all in one basket has never been more applicable than when it comes to planning for retirement. In fact, where and how you save your money, is just as important as the amount you save. Financial security and the knowledge about investments, inflation and the different options you have, go hand in hand. Do your homework, spread out your pennies and improve your returns and reduce your risk.
4. Invest in Your Employers Pension Plan
If your employer has a retirement annuity to offer, then now is the time to put some cash into it. The benefits are excellent and usually far better than those you receive on the open market. Pump money in there, and the kick-off is you could end up paying less tax and your company may even contribute a portion for you as well. Get all the information about the fine print and find out how long you would need to stay with the plan to get your money out.
5. Moving Jobs? Move Your Money
Longevity is key when you plan your retirement. There is a huge temptation when moving from one job to another to have your pension fund paid out to you. Resist the urge at all costs and move the money over to another pension scheme with the new employer. Resist instant gratification in preparing for retirement; you won’t regret it.
6. Know Everything about Your Retirement Plan
The fine print is what gets us down the line. Make sure that you know and understand all the terms and conditions associated with your retirement annuity. Find out what you are covered for, what the benefits are, should you move from one job to another and what terms and conditions apply to your spouse’s retirement annuity.
7. Ask Your Boss to Implement a Retirement Fund
If you are working for a company that does not have a policy for retirement plans in place, it is time you go and request one to be made available. There are many plans available for the small business and sole proprietor. Suggest that your boss takes a look at what the options are.
8. Use an IRA (Individual Retirement Account)
Not only is this a sensible idea, it is one of the easiest ways to prepare for retirement. Choose one of the two IRA accounts available, and you can have the option of putting in quite a bit of money per annum. If you are over 50 that number increases. Organize a direct debit amount that comes automatically out of your bank account at the end of every month.
9. Get the Right Information
Preparations for retirement don’t end with simply paying your money each month into your pension place. Ask questions, shop around, get professional advice and make sure you stay current and up to date, and focused on what is going on with investments, what the inflation rate is, how the tax is affecting your premiums, and keep up to date calculations of what you are going to get out. It will be so much more worth it in the end than sticking your head in the sand and making it somebody else’s problem.
10. Educate Your Kids
As your kids get older and start working, they will be so wrapped up in just trying to make ends meet, that a preparation for retirement seems like just another bill they have to pay. Take the time to educate your children on investments, pension plans and the like so that they may start earlier and get more money out later.
Getting ready for retirement just takes some solid planning and education. Knowing how to prepare for retirement doesn’t come naturally, and you may need the expertise and advice from a professional. If you were a little unsure about how to start getting ready to retire, we hope these ways to ensure you are preparing for retirement helped you?