8 Ways to save Money when You're Having a Baby ...

Jordin Apr 16, 2013

8 Ways to save Money when You're Having a Baby ...
8 Ways to save Money when You're Having a Baby ...

Ways to save when having a baby aren’t as difficult to come up with as you might think. It does cost money to have a baby, but there are so many ways you can save money that it’s worth the extra bit of expense to hold that sweet bundle of joy. Below are my favorite ways to save when having a baby, so keep on reading if you’re expecting a new baby!

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1. Babies Don’t Need Everything

One of the major ways to save when having a baby is to avoid falling into the trap of thinking your baby needs every little gadget on the market! The baby market is designed to make you want everything you see, and even to make you believe that you absolutely must buy every product advertised in order to raise your baby. In reality, babies need very little. Discuss this topic with other moms who have had two or more children, and see which items they used, and which items were hardly ever touched.

2. Wait before Purchasing

If this is your first baby, chances are, you are going to receive a lot of gifts! You will more than likely have at least one shower, maybe two. And of course when baby is born, visitors will bring him a present in the hospital! Don’t forget that doting grandparents love to spoil their grandbabies. Wait before you purchase a lot of baby items, just to see what all you get from others!

3. Get Good Insurance Coverage

One of the most expensive aspects of having a baby is the hospital, pediatrician, and doctor bills. Before you get pregnant, or as soon as you find out you are expecting, you may want to make sure you have a good insurance plan. Otherwise, you will be stuck paying large bills, possibly for a very long time.

4. Look into Government Assisted Programs

If you live on a low income, paycheck-to-paycheck, then it might be a big help to you if you get on government-assisted programs! WIC stands for Women, Infants, and Children, and it’s a program that helps with food and baby formula for those who don’t make as much money. You can also apply for food stamps. Your grocery bill goes up quite a bit when you are expecting a baby!

5. Breastfeed Your Baby

If you are willing and able to try breastfeeding, it’s worth a shot! Not only do you save so much money on formula and bottles, but the health benefits for you and baby both are amazing. Give it a try, and if you can’t continue, then at least you did your best!

6. Use Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers were once a thing of the past, but they are making a big comeback! Cloth diapering isn’t what it used to be at all. With modern technology, there are cloth diapers available that are easy and efficient to use, and not too much extra work for mom. When you consider the $400-$600 that cloth diapers will save you per year, it’s worth a try for sure.

7. Using Used Items

Some people get squeamish when used items are brought up, especially with their baby in the picture. The truth is, you can find some rock solid prices on really nice, name-brand items when you shop used! You can wash and sanitize anything you buy, and remember, you aren’t obligated to take anything. Another option is to ask family members and close friends for hand-me-downs from their own children.

8. Saving on Childcare

One of the greatest expenses that many parents shell out for is childcare. After baby is born, and you have to go back to work, finding an affordable place that you feel comfortable leaving your child with can be a hurdle. My advice is to talk to family members. Find out if anyone would be willing to help you out. You can offer to swap out babysitting, or ask them if they would charge you a low rate.

These are my tips and ways to save when having a baby, but I’d love to hear from you! What ways have you discovered for saving money with a new baby? Please comment below with your own tips and suggestions, and thanks for reading!

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