Work Skills 20 Something Need to Have Successful Careers when They're 30 ...

Neecey Sep 11, 2024

Work Skills 20 Something Need to Have Successful Careers when They're 30 ...
Work Skills 20 Something Need to Have Successful Careers when They're 30 ...

To truly succeed in your career it’s important to keep up with current issues and developments in your chosen field. But what about in the future? How will your work change and what should the younger generation be looking to be able to demonstrate when they want to move onwards and upwards? This boils down to the essential question of what are the work skills needed in the future?

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1. Sense Making

The ability to determine what is being expressed, especially when dealing with lots of different mediums and platforms. Knowing what one department means when communicating with another. Understanding the esoteric and idiomatic terms and phrases being used.

2. Social Intelligence

The ability to connect with other people in direct and deep manner. It is one of the most popular work skills you’ll need in the future. To be able to create and stimulate reactions and build towards a desired result. To be able to understand what people are saying, to comment and reply, and to build relationships based on that communication.

3. Novel and Adaptive Thinking

Problem-solving is only half of the battle. The other half is maintaining a plan by being able to change it without affecting the outcome. Adaptive thinking and problem solving allows you to follow the rules while still being innovative. Add value to the company that isn’t based directly on your output. To be a constant and key element to a business, without having to show what you have done. A novel and adaptive thinker is often more missed than he or she is appreciated. It is the sort of skill that sets you apart from others, but managers and bosses only notice it when you have left.

4. Cross Cultural Competency

A future employee needs to be able to operate in a different cultural setting. Plus, you have to be able to communicate in the stale and uniform environment that exists between two cultures. There are few occasions where social and business formalities are not in place. In most cases, you have to learn about another culture, and the formalities set up between two cultures that exist to make business communication and dealing easier.

5. Computational Thinking

The ability to understand data-based reasoning. The ability to interpret and translate large chunks of data into something that others can understand. To be able to create concepts based on what you learn via the data. To be able to make sense of small changes in the same way you would understand larger and more dramatic data changes.

6. Trans-discipline

The ability to work with different concepts and across different disciplines and platforms. To be able to transfer skills and data from one discipline or platform over to another. To work with one and then cross to another in a seamless manner without business interruption, and to be able to work in a cross-disciplinary fashion without a loss of efficiency.

7. Design Mindset

Represent and develop work processes and tasks for a specific purpose or outcome. To be able to come up with solutions and direct the solution in whatever manner is necessary, be it altering a course of action or redirecting resources. To be able to come up with new ideas and new plans that work in sync with current plans and/or form symbiotic relationships with them.

8. Cognitive Load Management

The ability to filter and discriminate information based on its importance, and to understand how to maximize any cognitive functions. To use and ignore information in a way that furthers the business. To understand that some data, though important, is in fact of no consequence, and vice versa.

9. Virtual Collaboration

This ability is already fast becoming a much-needed talent. The ability to work with others over the internet in order to achieve a certain goal. To productively drive engagement and demonstrate a presence. To run, manage or join a team that doesn’t meet face-to-face. To help all involved reach a positive conclusion over the Internet, via the cloud and via hosted servers.

You will note there is a big emphasis on technology but more so about the interaction with technology and making it work for you rather than it simply doing the task. Which of these do you already have on your resume? Which are you going to look into further?

Source: (It’s a really interesting infographic – check it out!)

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Thank you

Where did you get the cover photo, it's gorgeous and I'd like a copy of it

Brisbane!!! Woooo, Queenslanderrrr!!

Hey Neecey. Great article. Cool cover photo. Brisbane?

Keep this in mind thanks

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