Well Paying Part Time Jobs for Students ...


Well Paying Part Time Jobs for Students ...
Well Paying Part Time Jobs for Students ...

When you are in college, the two things that are primarily on your mind are studying and partying, but in order to be able to do both to the best of your ability, you have to have the money to pay your tuition and pay for your drinks! In terms of work for students, the key is finding something that isn’t going to take up all of your time, but that pays you well for the time that you do spend doing it. They aren’t easy to find, but they do exist! Here are some well paid part time jobs for students.

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Events Hospitality

There are always rich people and companies around town that are putting on events, and you can make a decent amount of cash by being one of those servers that walks around the party with a tray of drinks or appetizers for the guests. You don’t need much experience to do this, and the parties usually take place outside of class hours.



You spend all week with your head in books anyway, so why not make some money doing it too? If you are one of the top students in your class, put this to good use by offering your tutoring skills to people in the local area who are in need of some academic help.


Brand Representative

College campuses are perfect advertising grounds for lots of brands and companies, and you can actually get part time work as a representative for some big name or another who will pay you an hourly rate to do a little on site PR for them in the form of giveaways, stalls, stunts ... all that fun stuff.



If you are a keen cyclist or have a little scooter that you can whizz around on, then being a delivery driver can make you a tidy sum. It has flexible hours that you can choose yourself, and the more deliveries you are available for, the more money you stand to make! Tips are usually outstanding!


Mystery Shopper

Who doesn’t love a little retail therapy? I certainly do, especially when I’m getting paid to do it! There are plenty of sites you can sign up for online to become a mystery shopper, and not only can you get paid, but you can also get free products and free meals in the process!

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Odd Job Apps

One of the best innovations in smartphone apps is the increase in popularity of people putting out odd job requests online. You can make some good part time money if you have a skill that can be put to use like gardening, DIY, and even doing things like taking people’s old stuff to charity shops for them.



It’s a tale as old as time, college kids and babysitting! If you have an affinity with small kids, then you can build a great reputation as a babysitter in your local area. Mothers like to talk to each other, and before you know it, you’ll have a mini empire!

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